(Chapter 22) Second Fightin class (Side story 3)

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"I felt so much anger buildup inside me so much hatred for math why should I even do this why do I have to do this ....!!!" Furina said really annoyed with everything that's happening right now "....don't ask me I'm just making phone calls at the moment.." Layla said waving her phone around ""Well damn who hurt you today, someone in your class ,that Cherry girl like she always does .?"  Bronya asked twirling her hair a bit fixing it to be exact plus she's fucking tired right now "..bitch nobody hurt me today I hurted myself by talking shit this weekend on some bitch I hate for the rest of Tayvat .." Furina said, crossing her arms, closing her eyes with her ice cream in her eyes by Wanderer "No but seriously I have a sore throat which is bugging me right now when I'm trying to get my work done. Do you get that sometimes?"  Heizou asked just hiding their emotions in a jar of clouds flipping it upside down watching as it turns into something rude about some annoying mean bitch they met the other day at the supermarket which he had to go with Furina to do sibling bonding he fucking hated that sometimes don't ask how many times they've gotten a sore throat it stayes like that then it goes away as of nothing even happened at all not damn normal now that I think about it  it's just comes after that it leaves really annoying  "….Uhhh okay then why don't you go off to sleep like you always do since that's the only thing you're good at alright Heizou won't you agree that Strawberry is a really great dessert?" I think it's a shitty fruit Bronya alright now shut the fuck uo so we can fin-" Heizou said grabbing a few bit of papers along with some crayons cause why not they started to color the stars all happily 
"Let me stop you right there save us a lot of time what the fuck did you just say about strawberries..!!?" Bronya said in shock glaring at Heizou who ate book pages as usual for them to do that he is honestly so tired to do anything so they got in bed and fell asleep "if you're suggesting that strawberry tastes good then you're fucking wrong ." Heizou said really irritated "...Ughhh you also tired..?" Bronya asked Heizou "...bitch how the eff did you know I was tired-aye Tired gang " Heizou said really tired "I'm about to fall asleep if this bitch keeps on talking " Bronya said to Heizou "..I know right Cherry is so annoying -shit it's hot in here again nah they still didn't fix the air conditioner..?,fuck were probably not going to be able to get-fuck it's so Dann hot wait am I paranoid or something because I keep on hearing stuff happening " Bronya said collapsing due to the air conditioner being broken as fuck "...Shit..." Heizou said "...Seele!!!! Bronya's down ,I repeat Bronya's down !!!" Heizou said on their walkie-talkie there was no answer at all "....huh..?,umm oh welp I'm doomed " Heizou said checking their phone ",..ughhh why do I have a stomach ache now ..,why not later .." Heizou was honestly so annoyed because of the pain "....i swear it's gonna be a long day trying to stop having so much work ...never mind Ms.Yae will probably give me more work than I can already handle..." Heizou sighed in disbelief at this "wait what do I have at the moment....-is that.... Freaking Ayaka....why is she wearing winter clothes..it's literally summer ..?" Heizou shook their head so annoyed at everything "..I wanna have a talk with Seele about sweets I wanna eat at the moment .." Bronya said waking up "..oh your awake .." Heizou said glancing at Bronya "..should we go to sleep now?" Bronya asked yawning so tired from all the work she did in art class.
"it felt like everything was targeted at me,first she said alright,Seele go sit next to Mei then told Kiana to sit next to me for no fucking reason,let me tell you that Kiana , was so tired that class she almost fell asleep for an entire hour on the clock " Bronya explained to Heizou who was in shock "what...?,no way and then what happened..?" Heizou said grabbing some popcorn to eat handing some to Bronya who happily took some to eat ".. then Becky was being an annoying ass being all like 'oh well you can't like this you have to like what I like ..',like bitch no I don't wanna do that "Bronya explained "....damn that's crazy how she acted "...Hey,do you feel sleepy .?" Bronya aksed confused "....If I said yes I would be sleeping right now ." Heizou replied yawning a bit "..I'm so fucking tired I wanna get some sleep maybe I should continue the case tomorrow right .?" Heizou asked Bronya ".......Wait,what?" Bronya asked not really listening to what Heizou just said to her "......Whatever..." Heizou said closing his book then rested their head on their desk falling asleep quickly "Haha.....i wanna eat chick wings with hot sauce to go with it as a flavour." Bronya said already thinking of food "perhaps pancakes with blueberries as toppings would taste all yummy ..?" Bronya talked to herself so happily thinking about the food she's probably going to pre-heat in the morning "heheh,,!" Bronya giggled eating chips closing her eyes for a bit since it's a bit salty  "It's missing something...,but what is it missing...?" Bronya asked herself she looked around for the ingredient she's looking for and she saw A bit of mayo sauce packets on the counter opening it up she ate it along with the wrapper feelijg as if it didn't bother her at all she waited a whole hour to pass the time .. was indeed so slow like it's started to get in someone's nerves which is Bronya obviously "...take it off.." Bronya said to herself taking her headphones off and sleeping on her desk next to Heizou

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