Chapter 1

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Before we get to the story, I want to explain that this story is something different than my previous works. Instead of doing the same old thing with minor tweaks, I'm trying something different. This story takes place in a completely different universe with no connection to the Arrowverse beyond the characters and even so, there's no mention of the Arrowverse in it, since I want to try something new. Also, right now I'm going to start off just focusing on this Supergirl story and as more characters from the Arrowverse start appearing, then I'll start making a decision on whether or not to add more spinoffs, but I'm trying not to spread myself too thin this time. Now, I hope you enjoy this story.

Kara Danvers smiled as she arrived at the five year reunion for the 2007 graduating class of MIT, since she was a scientist just like her father had been before he, and everyone else on her planet had died.

Let's back up a little bit. Kara's real name was Kara Zor-El, the last daughter of the now destroyed planet Krypton and she was the cousin of Kal-El, who was better known to the world by two different names. His civilian name was Clark Kent and he was a respected reporter, but the name he was really known by was Superman, Earth's most powerful protector and while she had the same powers as him, she'd decided that the world didn't need her to be a hero either.

Kara was actually 12 years older than Clark, but when they'd sent offworld from Krypton before it's destruction, her pod had been knocked off course and into a portion of space called the Phantom Zone where time didn't exist and her pod just floated around aimlessly, preventing her from aging for over two decades until somehow her pod had gotten loose and she made the journey to Earth, but by the time she got to Earth, her cousin had already grown up and no longer needed her to protect him anymore and since he was still relatively new to the superhero game at the time, Clark hadn't been able to take her in like he'd wanted too, so instead he took her to his friends Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers, who were scientists who'd helped him learn to master his own abilities and they'd taken her in and raised her like she was their daughter, or rather Eliza had, since Jeremiah had vanished around a year after she'd joined the family and she'd developed a close bond with the Danvers biological daughter Alex, who became a big sister to her.

Since Kara would've gone into the science guild on Krypton had the planet lived, she'd decided to continue on that path on Earth, so she'd studied hard in high school, though that hadn't been too hard, since her education on Krypton had been more advanced than anything they taught here on Earth, so she'd kind of been seen as a wonder kid, a child prodigy, which had led to her graduating from high school early and getting accepted to MIT at 16 for regular college on a full scholarship, which Eliza was very proud of and she graduated from there, she stayed at MIT for graduate school where she quickly became one of the top students not just at the school, but in the world, since she'd written several different papers that had been highly reviewed in multiple fields, including different fields of physics, engineering and different fields of technology and she'd been top of her class.

After getting her graduate degree, rather than going to work for an already existing tech company, since several of them had tried to recruit her, she'd begun her own startup and now that startup had grown and now it was one of the largest fortune 500 companies in the world. A company that she'd named Argo Enterprises after her old home city of Argo back on Krypton and she was it's CEO and one of it's lead scientists and she was using her company to try and bring Earth's technology up to the standards she used to from Krypton.

Anyways, right now Kara was in the ballroom of the hotel MIT was having the reunion in and she smiled as she saw a lot of her old friends from school, several of whom she'd kept in touch with over the years, including her old roommate, who was fast approaching her.

"Well, if it isn't the girl wonder?" Felicity Smoak said with a smile as she walked up to her and Kara smiled as they hugged.

"Good to see you too Felicity." Kara said and Felicity smiled.

"So, how have you been?" Felicity asked her.

"Well I'd be better if my best friend from college would finally take the job offer I have been floating in front of you for the past two years." Kara said with a smile.

"And I told you that I don't want to get a job just because we used to share a bathroom." Felicity said and Kara sighed.

"You wouldn't be. Felicity, you're one of the brightest minds I've ever met and you're meant for more than just being an IT girl at some company in Star City." Kara said and Felicity chuckled.

"Just because Queen Consolidated isn't as wealthy as Argo Enterprises doesn't mean they're not a big deal, since they are a fortune 500 company, just like you." Felicity said as they moved over to the bar to get drinks.

"Then why are you still stuck as an IT girl? My company could use someone like you." Kara said.

"Kara, I don't want it to look like nepotism." Felicity said.

"And if I were going to do that, I'd make you the head of our cyber division instead of just offering you a position in it. I think that you'd love it." Kara said and Felicity smiled.

"You're not going to stop pestering me about this until I accept this job are you?" Felicity asked and Kara chuckled.

"Why do you still ask questions that you already know the answer too? Besides, the weather in National City is so much nicer than it is in Star City." Kara said.

"Can I at least think about it, since you're asking me to move across the country for a job." Felicity said.

"Yes, but I just wanted you to actually consider my offer for once." Kara said.

"And I will. Now, let's enjoy it before our old teachers start trying to get you to break out your checkbook." Felicity said and Kara chuckled.

"I'm already one of their top donors, but you're right." Kara said.

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