Chapter 19

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"So, what do you think?" Kara asked Clark as she showed him around her island.

"I think that your parents loved you more than mine loved me, since this place is much nicer than my fortress." Clark said as he looked around.

"More like the fact that I was older than you meant that I had enough of a personality that my dad could personalize it for me." Kara said.

"True." Clark said and he saw the smile on Kara's face.

"You really love this place don't you." Clark said and Kara smiled.

"It's the closest thing I'm ever going to get to home. A true piece of Krypton here on Earth." Kara said and Clark smiled.

"What do you call the Fortress?" Clark asked.

"A library, but it's not really home. Not like this place is to me." Kara said.

"Fair enough. And this place is a lot cozier than the Fortress. I can see why you made it your base, especially since it's so close to National City." Clark said and Kara nodded.

"You should consider bringing your kids here. I can't help but notice how little they know of Krypton." Kara said, raising an eyebrow at Clark, shaming him for not teaching his kids about their dual heritage.

"You've said it yourself, you're more kryptonian than I am and you can teach them better than I can." Clark said.

"Maybe, but you're their father, which makes it your responsibility. Though I will admit I probably could do it better. Just like how I dealt with Reactron better than you ever did." Kara said with a grin.

"Yeah, thanks for that, Lois is still giving me a hard time about that." Clark grumbled.

"Next time, fight with your head, not just your fists Smallville." Kara said with a smirk.

"Where's Alex? I'm surprised she's not here, since she usually says hello when I visit." Clark asked, changing the topic quickly.

"Offworld. She was recruited by the Green Lantern Corp. You do know what they are right?" Kara asked.

"Of course, I read about them in the Fortress archives and I think that Alex definitely deserves to be a Lantern." Clark said and Kara nodded.

"Okay Kara, what did you really want to talk to me about?" Clark asked, since while he always enjoyed visiting his cousin, he knew her well enough to know that she hadn't just called him to National City to show him her island or give him a hard time about Reactron.

Kara sighed, since she knew she couldn't put this off anymore.

"How did you know that Lois was the one for you?" Kara asked and now Clark understood.

"Something just clicked when we met. I knew that she was the one for me and always would be. Are you saying that you think that you might've found someone?" Clark asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe. I don't know." Kara said.

"Who is she?" Clark asked, since he was aware of Kara's sexuality and he had no problems with it.

"Clark." Kara said.

"Kara, seriously, who is it?" Clark asked.

"Lena Luthor." Kara admitted.

"What?" Clark snapped, since of all the women Kara could've fallen for, she had to fall for the sister of his greatest enemy.

"I've had a crush on her since college and ever since she found out my secret, we've gotten closer. I trust her Clark and I think that I might actually be on my way to loving her." Kara admitted.

"She's a Luthor Kara." Clark said.

"She's nothing like her brother." Kara defended.

"How can you be sure?" Clark asked.

"Because I know her Clark. And I couldn't have defeated Reactron without her help, since she's the one who talked me through deactivating his suit. And she and I have more in common than you'd think, since we both know what it's like to live in the shadows of famous older male relatives. Why do you think I decided to become a scientist instead of becoming a reporter like you did and I know you were hoping I would too." Kara reminded him.

"She's a Luthor." Clark insisted.

"So that means I would automatically condemn her. She can't control who her brother is and she is not him." Kara insisted.

"Kara, you can't trust anything a Luthor says. I learned that lesson the hard way." Clark said.

"Wow, you're so blinded by your hatred of Lex that you can't even consider the possibility that Lena isn't like him. She's done nothing to earn that from you and the fact that I trust her should be enough for you, but it isn't. You're so arrogant that you won't listen to any opinion that's not yours." Kara said angrily.

"Kara, I'm trying to look out for you." Clark said.

"Like you did when I first came to Earth? Oh wait, no, you just passed me off to some random strangers instead of taking me in yourself. And I wasn't just talking about Lena. J'onn told me why you refuse to work with the DEO." Kara said, anger towards Clark that she thought she'd worked past a long time ago coming to surface.

"He allows the DEO to house kryptonite Kara. The only thing on this planet that can kill us because he doesn't trust us." Clark said.

"Or maybe it's because after what happened to his people, he'd rather be prepared instead of being caught off guard in case an army of kryptonians attack like say, General Zod or whoever was leading those thugs that attacked my facility? You're the one who always says that we're not gods, but you sure seem to have the ego of one, since you don't seem to like the idea of humanity having a way to stop us if something turned us against humanity." Kara said.

"The world should trust us." Clark asked.

"Why, because we say they can. And don't forget, you and I may have chosen to protect this planet with our powers, but every other kryptonian who's come to Earth has tried to conquer it and there are only two of us. The world can't rely on us to protect them all the time." Kara shouted at him.

"You sound like Bruce." Clark said, since the Dark Knight had made that same point to him several times, but Clark still maintained that he was right about this.

"Because he's right. I don't like that Kryptonite exists, but I understand why humanity feels more comfortable knowing it exists. Our power makes them uncomfortable, so knowing they can defend themselves if they need to makes them feel safe." Kara said, but before Clark could respond, Kelex hovered down.

"Apologies for the interruption Mistress Kara, but it appears that the Star Labs particle accelerator is malfunctioning, causing the people of Central City to start evacuating. This felt like prudent information for both you and Lord Kal." Kelex said and Kara and Clark both looked at each other, since while neither of them were happy with each other, they both knew that they needed to put this aside.

"After we help in Central City, go back to Metropolis. I don't think I want to see you outside of any official capacity for a while." Kara said to her cousin angrily as they both suited up and she flew out before he could respond, though he quickly followed, wondering how he'd get her to see his way, while also thinking about what she'd said about him pushing her off onto the Danvers when she'd arrived, since that gave him a clue about what her anger was really about, but he couldn't think about that anymore before he followed her off the Island towards Central City.

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