Chapter 28

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Lena had to admit, after spending a week stuck in a dark room, being stuck in a hospital bed in a luxury room at National City General Hospital was an upgrade, since if getting dropped off by Supergirl wasn't enough, Kara was sparing no expense in making sure that that Lena received the best treatment possible, which meant private room, big screen tv, first class dining and the best doctors in the city were attending to her wellbeing. In fact, Kara had promised the hospital a very large donation if Lena was well taken care of during this time, even though Lena had assured her that wasn't necessary.

Right now Kara was currently dealing with the press, since word had gotten out about her kidnapping and the fact that Lex was behind it, since Lena had already given a statement to the police, identifying Lex as the person responsible for her abduction, which had led to Lex finally being exposed as the criminal he was with the NCPD, Argus, FBI, CIA, even the DEO and pretty much every other law enforcement agency now having a warrant out for his arrest with a warning that if they saw Lex, do not confront him, contact the government immediately and then find some place to hide.

Speaking of security, right now there were two DEO agents stationed outside Lena's door, acting on J'onn's orders, since Lex was too dangerous to risk just the NCPD guarding her and as a precaution, Kara had even arranged to keep Krypto at Lena's side, since he was already registered as an emotional support animal from back when Kara first landed, so he could serve that role for Lena now, but in reality, he was there to serve as a guard dog for Lena, since no one knew that he was Superdogs, since fortunately, there were countless dogs on Earth that looked just like him, since most Kryptonian dogs were physically identical to Earth ones, but anyways, no one would suspect that Lena had Superdog protecting her, which honestly did make her feel a bit better as she did her best to relax as she let the IV drip that was hooked into her arm to help rehydrate her, since the doctors had said that her injuries, aside from the burns and bruises all over her body, Lena also had 2 cracked ribs, a concussion and was suffering from dehydration and malnutrition, so despite all that, Lena knew it could've been worst. But that still didn't mean she'd enjoyed the past week.

Anyways, while Lena was relaxing in the hospital room, she had the tv turned on to yet another news conference that Kara was having to hold in order to keep the press at bay to allow Lena to recover in peace, even though Lena would've much rather Kara spent time here with her, but it needed to be done.

"Once again, there is no comment on Ms. Luthor's condition, neither myself nor the staff at National City General Hospital are legally allowed to disclose any information like that to the public. All I will say is that Ms. Luthor is alive and is expected to make a full recovery. Now, that is the last I'm going to say about this matter. Any further attempts to get answers about Ms. Luthors' condition from me or the staff of this hospital will be considered harassment and dealt with accordingly. Now, if there are no other questions?" Kara asked.

"What about the rumors that Supergirl wasn't the only hero seen at this hospital dropping Ms. Luthor off here when she was first rescued?" A reporter from Catco, William Dey, Kara believed his name was, asked as the screen switched to the video someone had taken outside the hospital when Supergirl had dropped Lena off, showing two other people with her when she arrived at. Alex and J'onn had both accompanied Supergirl to the hospital, since they'd decided that since Lex would no doubt reveal their presences in National City anyways after this, they should get ahead of it and reveal themselves on their own terms so they could control the narrative before switching back to Kara.

"The rumors are true, but that is all I know. However, I am grateful that both of these heroes chose to reveal themselves now to help bring Ms. Luthor home. For any further questions, please contact my office to schedule a more formal appointment and as far as Supergirl is concerned, while I am grateful to her for everything she's done for this city already, I know as much about her as the rest of you." Kara said, since she knew that people would no doubt ask her about Supergirl if she hadn't said as she wrapped up the press conference, but she didn't notice that behind all the cameras and reporters, there was another black haired woman who looked a few years younger than her standing there, watching her, as if waiting for her to return to Lena's side.

"Well, that's the last press conference for now." Kara said with a smile as she entered Lena's hospital room, thrilled to finally have that ordeal over with.

"Yeah, thank you for dealing with all that, since I really do not want to deal with the press." Lena said as she felt a small pain in her side.

"Are you okay?" Kara asked her as she moved to hit Lena's morphine drip, but Lena stopped her.

"Yeah, it's just a little pain from my ribs. I'll be fine." Lena said.

"I still can't believe Lex would ever stoop to this level, just because of how easily it could backfire on him like it did." Kara said.

"I know. But the important thing is that I'm okay and the world finally sees Lex for the sociopath he really is." Lena said and Kara nodded.

"He's on the run now and he'll be running for the rest of his life." Kara said as she took Lena's hand into her own.

"Kara, what are we doing here?" Lena asked.

"What?" Kara asked, wondering if this conversation was what she thought it was.

"Everything you've done for me since we reunited with each other at the reunion months ago, it's gone beyond friendship and I've seen the way you look at me when you think I'm not looking. And I had a lot of time to think about things while I was a hostage." Lena said.

"Lena, I don't think now is the right time to have this conversation, since you're still half chalked up on pain medications. You're not thinking clearly." Kara said, since while she liked this, she wanted to be sure Lena wasn't just saying this because she was on drugs or because she felt some kind of debt to her for saving her.

"No, I'm as clear headed now as I've ever been. And we've been dancing around this for years." Lena began, only to be cut off from saying anything else when Kara kissed her before she could stop herself, but the the moment her lips touched Lena's, Kara sadly snapped back to reality and she tried to pull away from Lena and apologize, only for Lena to use her arm that wasn't hooked up to machines and IV Drip to hold in her position as she returned the kiss, allowing Kara to melt back into it.

When they finally pulled apart, both of their eyes were glazed over a bit before Kara came to her senses.

"So, I'm guessing I don't need to apologize for violating the boundaries of our friendship?" Kara asked Lena, who smiled.

"No. Like I said, we've both been dancing around this for years." Lena said.

"I know, but Lena, while that kiss was amazing, I need to know that it wasn't just the drugs in your system or you feeling gratitude to me for saving you. I need to know that it was real." Kara said and Lena could see why Kara would need that reassurance.

"It was real Kara. And it's something that I've wanted for years. I actually had a small crush on you when we were in college, but because of how far in the closet I was, I misinterpreted my feelings as resentment. I wish I hadn't, since maybe then we could've spent so much more time together." Lena said and Kara smiled as she kissed Lena's forehead.

"Maybe, but what's important is that we're not going to waste anymore time. And once you're healed up, I'll take you out for a proper date." Kara said and Lena smiled at her.

"Can't wait." Lena said as she gripped Kara's hand while Krypto looked at his mistress and her new mate happily, since he'd known this would happen since this Luthor woman had moved to National City as he barked happily.

"Well, it looks like Krypto approves of us being together." Lena said, relieved about that.

"Good. Because you know he and I are a package deal right?" Kara asked.

"And why would I have a problem with that?" Lena asked, since she loved Krypto and Krypto loved her.

"Good answer. Now rest up. I'll stay as long as I can before I have to get back to the office." Kara said and Lena nodded.

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