Chapter 30

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Just to clarify, this version of Zatanna is based more on the Young Justice version of her, not the comics, since I'm a big fan of the Young Justice show.

After Kara had arrived at Lena's loft, taking care to use the door instead of her usual move of just landing on the balcony, she was surprised to find a teenager sitting on Lena's couch with her.

"Why is there a teenager in your apartment? Especially since you are not old enough to have a kid her age." Kara said.

"You're right, she's not my daughter. She's my sister." Lena said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Kara asked, since she thought the only sibling Lena had was Lex.

"My name is Zatanna Zatara. I'm Lena's biological sister." Zatanna said and she'd had to stop herself from reacting when Kara had first entered the apartment, since she'd sensed two things the second Kara had arrived. The first was that Kara was actually the kryptonian hero Supergirl, since Kryptonians had a different magical aura than humans did. The second thing she'd sensed was that even though Lena had only just begun to unknowingly develop their family's powers, she'd already begun to form a very strong magical bond with Kara. The same kind of bond she knew her parents had shared. But she decided not to tell them about that until after she'd convinced Lena that magic was real, since unfortunately, her big sister had spent her life growing up in the world of science, not sorcery.

"Since when do you have a sister?" Kara asked.

"Since about half an hour ago or so." Lena said as she brought Kara up to speed.

"And you believe her?" Kara asked skeptically, since Lena had been burned by a sibling before.

"Yes I do. I can't explain it, but between the DNA test she'd run before she came here, along with having a picture of our birth parents that matches the one I've had for as long as I can remember, yes, I do. It's strange, but I have this feeling that I can trust and believe her." Lena said.

"Yeah, I can explain that, though you probably won't believe it at first, so, since I know you're a scientist, I'd better provide proof first." Zatanna said.

"Proof of what?" Lena asked.

"This." Zatanna said as she took a deep breath and focused.

"Tcejorp eht Arataz ylimaf eert." Zatanna said, seemingly random and gibberish words, only for out of nowhere, some kind of holographic projection appeared, revealing what looked like a family tree.

"Is that magic?" Kara asked, since she had seen real magic on Krypton, since while it had been rare, but it was real and it had actually been a big part of Kryptonian religion, even her own parents and her Uncle Jor-El and Aunt Lara had been married by sorcerer priests and priestesses who were members of the Order of Rao, which was separate from the traditional Kryptonian caste system and guilds, but still highly revered. (I'm not sure if that's actually true in the comics, but remember, this is a fanfiction, so it doesn't need to play into canon of the show or the comics, please keep that in mind and it's ridiculous that I feel the need to add this message, but to those readers and you know who you are, it's necessary. Sorry to the rest of you for that, but I found it necessary to rant for a bit.)

"There's no such thing as magic." Lena denied.

"Actually, there is. I've seen it in person myself a few times while I was growing up and I know that some of Superman's enemies use magic against him, not science, since there are things out there that science can't explain. And I know, it's ironic to hear me say that since I'm a scientist, but I still hold onto my religion." Kara said, since while she didn't do it as often as she had when she'd first landed on Earth, just because of how busy she'd become, but Kara still tried to observe her kryptonian religion whenever she had time and she'd been the one to teach Clark about their religion, though to her displeasure, he didn't practice like she did and she'd also taught both Eliza and Alex when she'd first come to Earth and they were both trying to help her adjust and they'd understood that it was important to her to keep track of her heritage and had tried to help her as best they could.

"Everything can be explained by science." Lena insisted, since while she didn't blame Kara for being religious in her own way, she'd been raised to believe that science could be used to understand everything as Zatanna finally lost her focus, causing the image to fade.

"Yes, it is magic. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Supergirl realized it first." Zatanna said before she could stop herself.

"Wait, you told her?" Kara asked Lena.

"Of course not." Lena said.

"She didn't have to. I could tell the minute you walked into the room. Kryptonians have a different magical signature than normal humans do." Zatanna explained.

"Makes sense." Kara said.

"Wait, you're actually buying this?" Lena asked her.

"Lena, magic was actually a big part of Kryptonian religion, my parents were married by a kryptonian sorcerer priest named Ha-Pri." Kara said.

"It's just a form of energy manipulation." Lena insisted.

"Lena, I know you're a scientist, but so am I, and yet I can accept that there are things that science can't explain. And I know that your brother is a believer in magic since it's one of the few weaknesses Kryptonians have on Earth." Kara said.

"Kara, you can't just expect me to believe that magic is real just on the word of a stranger, even if she is my sister." Lena said.

"Lena, you need to open your mind. If not for yourself, but for me. Please, just try to open your mind to the possibility that magic can exist." Kara said as Lena sighed before she swallowed some of her pride and nodded.

"Okay, I'll try. But I'm gonna need more proof." Lena said and Zatanna smiled.

"This is one spell I've been practicing for years for this exact opportunity. Wohs ym retsis ruo ylimaf yrots. Yhy ehs saw tup rof noitpoda." Zatanna said as suddenly there the room was covered by smoke before all three of them found themselves viewing some kind of training session between two men. One of them was wearing a traditional magician's tux, minus the hat and the other was wearing the full get up, complete with the cliched hat and mustache.

"Where are we?" Lena asked.

"We're in memories our father shared with me. This is something that's easier to show you than tell you. Think of it like we've gone into the pensieve from Harry Potter. This is the story of our family. And it holds the answers about why you were put up for adoption in the first place. I'm trying to give you all the answers you deserve." Zatanna said.

"Okay, suddenly magic being real is a lot less crazy." Lena said, since right now, she couldn't think of any scientific explanation that could explain this.

"I figured this would help and I brought Kara in because I thought you might need her support during some of this. But now, let's watch." Zatanna said.

Zatara is played by Ty Burrell in these memories.

Also, a little challenge to you all, but can you figure out what Zatanna was saying each time she cast a spell? I'll be issuing these challenges each time I have a chapter with her casting a spell. Let's see if anyone can correctly translate her magic.

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