Chapter 22

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General Astra In-Ze was not happy with her husband Non right now, since he'd disobeyed her direct orders when he'd sent their soldiers to attack Argo Enterprises and she was currently expressing her anger by punching him.

"I thought you'd be pleased, since I was showing initiative to speed up Myriad, since you said it yourself, the technology at Argo Enterprises comes the closest to anything we had on Krypton and could be helpful in our plans." Non said, genuinely confused about why Astra was reacting this way.

"Because my niece, the cousin of Kal-El, owns Argo Enterprises. She named the company after our former home city and she's the only person on this planet who could possibly be able to develop technology like this on a planet as primitive as this one. All you've done now is put our troops on her and by extension, Superman's radar. Not to mention your failed attack also caused her to reveal herself to the world as Supergirl, making our mission that more difficult. Not to mention we now know that the humans have a weapon capable of hurting Kryptonians and now they're no doubt searching for our troops. Your recklessness has endangered our plans." Astra said angrily.

"She doesn't know about our involvement yet, especially since I doubt Alura ever told her you were sentenced to Fort Rozz." Non said.

"I don't care. Now she'll be looking for our men, which could lead her back to us." Astra said.

"It will be taken care of." Non said.

"I did not want to involve her until after Myriad was activated Non. I'd hoped that she'd talk around to see reason, since she will be one of the only people on this planet who won't be affected by Myriad. Even Kal-El will fall victim to it." Astra said.

"You mean you still harbor some kind of false delusion where your niece chooses to join us. You allow your previous emotions for Kara Zor-El to blind you to the truth. She will side against you, just as her mother, your own twin sister, did all those years ago on Krypton. Not to mention she's spent too much time around Kal-El and the humans. She'll never side against them." Non told her.

"You don't know that. Kara is still more kryptonian than human. She can be made to see reason." Astra insisted, though it sounded weak, even to her own ears.

"Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself? We've begun making plans to hit the backup location, since Argo is likely no longer a viable target. I suggest that before you join us, you figure out if your heart is still committed to leading our cause. Because you may be my general and my wife, but I will not allow even you to endanger what we've worked so hard to achieve." Non said as he walked away and Astra sighed, since while she knew Non was right, she couldn't stop holding out hope that maybe Kara would join them. And there was only one way she'd know for sure and now that Non had already essentially blown their cover on Earth, there was nothing to stop her from finally seeing her niece again.

Kara had just finished getting ready for bed for the night and she smiled when she saw that Krypto had already taken his usual place at the foot of her bed, since while he had a dog bed in the playroom Kara had set up for him for when she was at work, but at night, he loved to sleep and cuddle with her, which she had no problems with. In fact, when she'd first arrived on Earth, she'd refused to go to sleep without him, since Krypto had been her one source of comfort while she'd adjusted to Earth and since he helped keep her calm, Jeremiah and Eliza had actually gotten him registered as an emotional support animal so she could take her dog to school with her until she'd fully adjusted to Earth.

But anyways, before Kara could actually get in bed, Krypto perked up and started growling, causing Kara to groan as she grabbed her watch, since while she just wanted to sleep, she knew Krypto wouldn't growl like that for any regular reason, especially this late at night, since even though they were aliens, they still needed to sleep.

Which was why she was heading out to her balcony to see who she was going to be lasering the face off of, only to stop when she saw who it was.

"Hello my little one." her Aunt Astra said as she landed on the balcony.

"Aunt Astra? But how? I thought you died with Krypton." Kara said in shock.

"It's a long story." Astra said sheepishly, hoping that being honest with Kara would help sway her.

"Does it have anything to do with the kryptonian soldiers who, now that I think about it, were wearing your house's crest raiding my main office building a few weeks ago?" Kara asked, raising her eyebrows at her aunt.

"I was not involved in that, but they are connected." Astra said and Kara just rolled her eyes.

"Is this gonna be when you finally tell me why you and mom were fighting before Krypton exploded?" Kara asked her as she let her aunt land on her balcony, but still maintaining a fighting stance, since while she was hoping this talk would stay civil, she was preparing for it to turn into a fight.

"Yes. She and I had differing thoughts on how to save Krypton from its destruction." Astra said as she proceeded to tell her niece everything and by the time she was done, she could tell by the look of horror and disgust that her niece did not approve of what she was doing.

"You were going to use mind control to enslave Argo City?" Kara asked her.

"No. We were going to use Myriad to get everyone to focus on the same thing. Focusing all the brainpower on Krypton towards saving the planet without all the petty bickering." Astra explained, trying to make her understand.

"And in doing so it would've deprived people of their freewill. Krypton might've been saved, but it wouldn't be a planet worth living on. There'd be no emotion, no love, no happiness. The people would just be emotionless drones, not living creatures. Krypton would still die, just in a different way and the same thing would happen here on Earth." Kara said, trying to get through to her aunt, since while she didn't want to fight Astra, seeing as how she was the only family from Krypton she had left now, she couldn't let her enslave Earth.

"Maybe." Astra said, since she knew that her niece was right and honest, while she'd created Myriad, its use had always been more Non's preference than her's. In fact, now that Astra thought about it, her feelings for Non had always been forced at best, since they'd been a genetic match, no real love like Alura had shared with Zor-El. Something she'd always been jealous of. Especially since the kind of love she'd always truly held in her heart was one that was forbidden on Krypton. But now that she was on Earth and with her niece, she had a chance to finally escape Non and find that kind of happiness here.

"I know that look. You know I'm right and you're trying to decide if your morals are worth any disgrace that would come from divorce, even though Krypton is gone and you never loved Non anyways." Kara told her.

"You're right. About all of it. Can I stay here tonight and then tomorrow I'll turn myself over to your government and try to cut a deal with them in exchange for my freedom." Astra said.

"Of course and I'll even vouch for you." Kara promised.

"Thank you little one. Not only for that, but for helping me find my way again." Astra said and Kara smiled.

"I'm happy to have you back in my life, Aunt Astra. And I want you to stay in it." Kara said as she hugged her aunt.

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