-𝙎𝙖𝙮 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝘿𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡

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The life blood of the New World was through merchants, Whitehall would look to keep their colonies afloat through any and all means. Tradesmen, merchants, all carrying different varieties of goods off to the colonies, but the cargo the colonies survived off the most were slaves. 

Many of these ships would heavily armoured, gun, and manned and La Concorde was such a ship. A French galleon slave ship bound for the colonies. Common sense would tell you never to attack such a large ship with a sloop, but these were pirates, they lived for the fight. 

"French flag, slave ship most likely sir" Y/N said, handing the telescope to Mr Hands who also took a look. "We'd be best to stay clear, her guns would tear us to shreds" he added. 

"Aye, good shout lad. We don't wanna be-" before Israel could finish his sentence, Thatch took hold of the eyeglass and took his own look. 

"I don't suppose she left port without the odd casket of gold on board" Thatch said, liking what he was seeing. 

"Captain?" Hands asked, with a raised eyebrow. 

"Give chase, let's see what they've got up their sleeve" Thatch said as he moved up to the helm. "If their cannons start firing before we get close break off the pursuit" he said, taking in a sharp breath. Thatch noticed the look Y/N had on his face, the young man was slightly shaken, a slight twitch in the cheek and his eyes drifting over Thatch. "You think me mad Mr Y/N?"

"I have not yet decided Captain" 

"Neither have I, prepare a cannon" the Captain ordered. It was then Y/N realised Thatch would never be content with modest prices and mediocre comfort, he wanted to be wealthy and he'd do everything he could to obtain the best of the best, within his own self imposed restraints of course. And Y/N watched the gun crew prepare a warning shot, the cannon was fired slamming backwards with great force, and the cannon ball piecing the cabin of the galleon and sending splinters everywhere piercing one of the sailors who was discussing with the captain. 

"What the bloody hell was that!" Y/N asked, moving towards the fired cannon and Mr Konstam was one step ahead of him. 

"You bloody fool, you've only gone and hit her!" Konstam roared in the face of the sailor, and this particular crew mate only had one eye. Konstam hit the sailor in the back in annoyance, it was supposed to be a warning shot for Christs sake. 

"Relieve that man of his post Mr Konstam, and if he refuses, relieve him of the other eye" Thatch ordered, as Konstam began forcefully dragging the one eyed sailor away. "Prepare the men for boarding Mr Y/N" he gave the order. 

"You think she's worth the hassle?" he asked in return, Y/N was not so sure. A lone sloop against a galleon were not even odds. 

Thatch sighed and exhaled through his nose. "Oh she's a slave ship, and after two months at sea most of the crew would diseased or dead and those who aren't won't be in any mood for a fight" Thatch surmised. 

Y/N smiled at this, a hand resting on his cutlass as he looked at the galleon and the waters she sailed, and then back to the crew. "Prepare for boarding!" he gave the command, the crew all rushing to their posts and arming themselves. 

Thatch stepped forward, seeing his crew work like a well oiled machine.

Thatch stepped forward, seeing his crew work like a well oiled machine

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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