Chapter 1

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Author P.O.V:

It was Monday morning, the first day of school was starting today and Brick was still letting out a few Z's from his sleep. Red locks messy, slobber dripping from the side of his mouth, and a good book he's been reading for days now was placed open on his chest.

"Brick! Sweetie, Wake up!" yelled Brick's mother from downstairs for the third time that morning. Brick didn't respond back, but groan loudly and rubbed his eyes before stretching out his body. He let out a small yawn and got out of his bed to make his way out of his bedroom to the bathroom.

Brick stripped naked and got in the shower to start his day, it wasn't long until he was drying his body off in his bedroom and choosing his clothes for the day. He changed into a black shirt with a dark red flannel on top and a pair of black sweatpants and white sneakers. Brick blowed dried his hair and brushed his long locks into a low ponytail, checking his hair in the mirror.

A loud banging on his bedroom door breaks his focus and makes him walk to the door.

"What is it?" Brick asks his sister, who stood in front of him with an annoyed look. "Mom told me to tell you that breakfast is ready and to finish getting ready before the food turns cold." Robin tells him, before walking away with her arms crossed.

Brick rolls his eyes and shuts the door shut. He stands there in place, trying to remember if he has everything. "Keys, hair gel, cellphone...Ah!" Brick looks through his first drawer and pulls out a small wrapped box with a pretty bow on top before shoving it in his backpack.

He sprays himself one last time with cologne and checks if he already put on deodorant before placing a gold chain that he got as gift on top of his shirt. Brick checks his watch and his eyes pop out of his face when realizing the time. He zooms out his room and heads to the kitchen to see his mother washing the dishes in front of the sink.

"It's about time you got downstairs." His mother says, without looking at him. Brick only nervously laughs and pulls the chair to sit down. He begins to eat the blueberry pancakes his mom prepared for him and drink a few sips of the orange juice in his glass cup. It's silent besides the small sounds of his and his sister's utensils touching the plate.

"I'm going to head to school, thank you for the breakfast mom" Robin says, and kisses her mom on the cheek before heading out the front door. Once the front door shuts close, his mother speaks up to ask him a question. "You must be excited today, Blossom is returning back from Italy."

"Yeah, It's been awhile since we last saw each other" Brick said, " Awhile? It's been two years, I remember how the both of you were stuck hip by hip and hated being separated." Brick's mom cooed at the memories. Brick's face flushed pink and continues eating quickly to avoid more ranting from her mom.

"I was so happy when her parents called to tell me they were coming back to officially stay, you must be even happier than me, right?-" She asked, "Oh, uh, Yeah, yeah, anyways, I..uh, Have to get going now mom, but I'll see you afternoon." Brick kisses his mom's cheek and runs out the front door.


Brick walks to school and it isn't too long before he's just a few steps away from entering the school.

"Yo Brick!"

Brick turns around to where the voice is coming from, and he sees his two best friends walking towards his way. Boomer is wearing a black satchel bag over his shoulder while Butch was holding no bag at all, which Brick wasn't even surprised. After greeting each other, the three boys walked together inside the building "How was your summer this year?" Butch asked,  "It was okay, I went to Hawaii with my family this year, but..." Brick scratches the back of his neck.

"But??" Boomer asked, "I kept FaceTiming Blossom throughout the trip, so I didn't do much"

"Are you serious? You're in the number one place where total babes are in just bikinis or coconut bras!" Butch yells out, Brick glares at his friend.

Both, Butch and Boomer have seen pictures of Blossom when Brick and her were younger and from their reaction, it seems like they don't see her attractive enough as Brick thinks she is.

When entering the school, the three boys kept noticing how everyone kept whispering near the lockers and the girls kept throwing random stares at a certain place. Brick followed their glance and stared at the small group of guys standing near a locker.

"Who are they hovering over?" Boomer asked, and Brick shrugs before trying to get a better look. As Brick got closer out of curiously, the girl who stood there turned around and it was like a flash hit him, because his eyes widen and he couldn't stop staring.

"Is that..?" Brick gulped, and continued to stare to the point Blossom must've of felt a pair of eyes looking at her because she turned her attention towards his way. Their eyes locked for a few seconds before Blossom smiled big and ran over to Brick.

It felt like everything was going into slow motion until he felt her arms wrapped around his body.

"I missed you so much." Blossom said, and Brick only smiled bright before hugging her back with a squeeze.

The hug lasted for a few seconds before he let go off her and stepped back to take a good look at her. It was obvious that Italy changed his best friend's style and health, she looked more healthier and stylish.

"Well, hello there baby," Butch threw a flirty smile, and began to stare at Blossom up and down. "May we know your name?" He asked, grabbing Blossom's hand gently. Brick hit Butch's side with his elbow, and threw him a glare.

"Ow, that hurt" Butch whined, and let go of Blossom's hand to rub his side, "Guys, this is Blossom. My best friend since childhood." Brick introduced them, but both Boomer and Butch couldn't believe it because the two boys had their mouth wide open in shock.

"And Blossom, this is Butch and Boomer, best known as Thing one and Thing two" Brick smiled, ignoring his friends glares.

Blossom giggled at their reaction before turning back to Brick. "Why don't we meet up after school to catch up?" Blossom asked him, but Brick cringed at her offer after remembering he had basketball practice. "Or I could wait until you're done?" Blossom asked, and Brick shook his head with a smile as a response.

"Great, I'll see you later then." Blossom told him.

The bell ringed loud, and the three boys left to class, with Brick trying to make Butch shut up with his lame pick up lines for Blossom.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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