winter comes, Arriva l'inverno

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Heeseung wiped the sweat from his brow, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows over the rolling hills of his farm.

The fields stretched out in a patchwork of greens and golds, the fruits of his labor evident in the rows of vegetables and blossoming orchards.

"Just a bit more, Bella," he murmured to his loyal dog, who trotted faithfully beside him.

Bella barked in response, her tail wagging enthusiastically.

Heeseung glanced up at the sky, a frown creasing his brow.

The crispness in the air signaled the approach of winter, a season he dreaded.

The thought of frost-covered fields and dormant plants filled him with a sense of unease.

He paused to adjust the straps of his overalls, taking a deep breath of the fresh, earthy scent that he loved so much.

He had grown up on this land, inheriting the farm from his parents.
It was his sanctuary, a place where he felt truly at home.

"Winter's coming, Bella. Guess we'll have to start preparing soon," he said, patting the dog’s head.

Bella responded with a soft whine, as if understanding his sentiments.

Heeseung chuckled and resumed his walk, mentally listing the tasks he needed to complete before the cold set in.


Sunghoon adjusted the collar of his coat, staring out the window of his high-rise apartment at the bustling city below.

The streets were a blur of activity, filled with people rushing to and fro, each absorbed in their own world.

He loved the energy of the city, the constant movement and noise that never seemed to cease.

But lately, it had become overwhelming.

The endless photoshoots, fashion shows, and social events were taking their toll.

He felt a deep fatigue that no amount of sleep could cure.

His agent had noticed his weariness and suggested a break.

"Sunghoon, you need to rest. Take some time off," she had insisted, handing him a ticket to Italy.
"Go see your grandparents. They’ll be thrilled to have you."

Now, as he watched the cityscape fade into the distance, Sunghoon felt a mix of relief and apprehension.

It had been years since he had visited his grandparents' house in the Italian countryside.

The thought of the quiet, snow-covered village where they lived was both comforting and strange.

The train slowed to a halt at the small village station.

Sunghoon stepped off, his breath visible in the chilly air.

He wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck, taking in the serene surroundings.

Snow covered the ground in a pristine blanket, and the distant mountains loomed majestically.

"Sunghoon!" a familiar voice called out.

He turned to see his grandmother waving enthusiastically, her face beaming with joy.

His grandfather stood beside her, a gentle smile on his weathered face.

"Nonna, mi sei mancata così tanto."
["Grandma, I missed you so much."]
Sunghoon greeted warmly, embracing her.

The scent of freshly baked bread and his grandmother’s floral perfume enveloped him, bringing back a flood of memories.

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