life changes

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Heeseung woke up alone, the early morning light filtering through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the bedroom.

He blinked sleepily, stretching out on the bed and feeling the residual warmth where Sunghoon had been.

A small pang of disappointment settled in his chest, but he quickly brushed it aside.

With a sigh, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, grimacing slightly as a dull ache reminded him of the previous night.

He chuckled to himself, wincing as he stood up.

Heeseung shuffled to the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face to wake himself up fully.

He avoided looking in the mirror too long, not wanting to face the blush that crept up his cheeks at the memory of Sunghoon's possessiveness.

After freshening up, he padded to the kitchen, the remnants of their romantic dinner still scattered across the table and countertops.

He rolled up his sleeves, his fingers tracing the edges of the plates and cutlery, remembering Sunghoon's touch from the night before.

As he started to wash the dishes, Heeseung focused on the rhythmic motion of scrubbing and rinsing, the warm water soothing against his hands.

Every so often, he would shift uncomfortably, the soreness in his bottom a constant reminder of the intensity they had shared.

He shook his head, a smile tugging at his lips.
"You really did a number on me, Sunghoon," he said softly, a mix of amusement and affection in his voice.

Heeseung's mind wandered as he worked, replaying the events of the night in his head.

He paused, a soft giggle escaping him as he remembered Sunghoon's possessiveness, the way he had taken control with such tenderness and authority.

The kitchen gradually returned to its usual state of neatness,

He hummed quietly to himself, the familiar routine grounding him, bringing a sense of normalcy to the morning.

Despite the discomfort, he couldn't help but feel a warm glow of contentment.

The memory of Sunghoon's hands, his kisses, and the shared intimacy filled him with a sense of deep satisfaction and love.

As he wiped down the last of the countertops, Heeseung paused, leaning against the sink and looking out the window.

The city skyline stretched out before him, a reminder of the potential job opportunity that had excited him the day before.

Heeseung dried his hands on a towel, the kitchen now spotless.

He reached for his phone on the counter, a smile playing on his lips as he composed a message to Sunghoon.

"Morning, love.
Just wanted to let you know I'm heading out to see what that job is all about. Wish me luck.
Love you."

He hit send, imagining Sunghoon's reaction and feeling a flutter of excitement in his chest.

With that done, Heeseung made his way to the bathroom, taking off his clothes and stepping into the shower.

The hot water cascaded over him, soothing his sore muscles and washing away the remnants of the night.

He took his time, letting the steam and warmth relax him, both physically and mentally preparing for the day ahead.

After his shower, Heeseung dressed in a crisp, white shirt and a pair of tailored black trousers.

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