Chapter 1.2-Reius' Secret

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The next few hours consisted of 7938 and the Jedi going over every inch of the ship. The Venator-Class Star Destroyer was a piece of art, and Tyrel. It was honestly a smart move on his part. The more informed he was about his own assets, the better he could command themSimilarly, the toothpick padawan seemed just as intrigued by all the systems and tech aboard. She especially was concerned about the medical facility and seemed pleased by the equipment and supplies the ship housed for it. By all appearances it seemed that she and her master were both deeply concerned for the welfare of their new troops.

7938 knew looks could be deceiving.

"You have got to relax, 79," 9597 chided as they began storing gear in their lockers. "They're nice people. I think they mean well for us."

"Tofi Diaba meant well, too," 7938 retorted. "You saw where that got us."

9597 let out a low whistle. "You used to not be so judgmental."

"I used to not be in a war."

Sighing, 9597 took out his blaster rifle and began inspecting the barrel. "Look, all I'm saying is that we should give them a chance. Everyone makes mistakes, and Diaba obviously wasn't experienced. Maybe these two are."

"Doesn't matter much anyway," 7938 muttered, scrubbing the inside of his pistol's barrel. "We're stuck with them no matter what."

"Could be worse," 9597 replied. "We could've been stuck with Diaba. At least these two wanna give us names."

"Hmph," was the only reply.

Abruptly, 9597 began to chuckle. "Well, with any hope they won't fail their first command, become scarred and mistrusting due to their losses, becoming wary of their superiors and blaming them for the mistakes made; but if they do, maybe they'll learn to trust again. Eventually."

Reluctantly, 7938 actually did smile at that. "Ooh, sliced me to the quick on that one," he chuckled.
"Alright, alright. You're point is well-taken. I'll be better around them."

"Oooh," 9597 murmured. "Oooh, I like that!"

"Like what?"

"What you just said."

"That I'll be better around them?"

"No, the slicing you to the quick part."

7938 raised a bewildered eyebrow. "Pardon?"

9597 held his hands parallel up in the air. "Slice," he declared triumphantly, spreading his fingers like they were sparkles. "That's it. That my name. I like it."

7938 began to cackle. "Slice? Your name is Slice?"

"Why not? I think it suits me!"

Shaking his head with a smile, 7938 punched his brother in the arm. "Well, Slice, I've never heard of another name suit anyone as well as that name suits you."

95–Slice simply beamed. "Why thank you, Captain. Now we just have to figure out a name for you."

7938 shrugged indifferently. "Call me whatever, I guess."

"Okay, Captain Grumpy Gills."

7938 smacked his own head into the locker door. "Okay, fine. Anything but that."

Slice snorted out a chuckle. "Better find a good name soon. You never know what else you'll be called."

"Duly noted," 7938 replied wryly as he slipped on his helmet. "I'll be on the bridge, okay?"


When 7938 arrived on the bridge, he found Admiral Akka Trayx standing at the viewport, staring out at the lines of traffic heading towards Coruscant's surface. Trayx was a powerfully-built Nautolan woman; from what 7938 had heard, she was a tough cookie, having battled her way through several military schools in her youth. 7938 would have figured she would have ended up commanding in a better legion—or at least, one with a better reputation.

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