Chapter 1.3-Ghadoh

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The Crusader arrived at Ghadoh approximately twenty-five hours later. Ghadoh was barely planet-sized, revolving around a highly-radioactive star that completely scrambled the Crusader's long-range sensors. 7938 didn't like that star at all. Once the Crusader settled into orbit in the planet's atmosphere, 7938 and Slice accompanied the Jedi on the first of seven troop transports to the surface. Ghadoh had no planet-wide government, therefore no capital, so their destination was the largest settlement in the southern hemisphere. Apparently, it was also winter time to boot, which was why 7938 had to endure listening to Slice complain about the snow gear they had to wear.

"It just doesn't fit right," Slice mumbled as the transport landed with a thud.

"Maybe you buckled something incorrectly?" CT-2326 suggested helpfully.

"I don't know," Slice muttered as the transport doors slid open. "Maybe."

"Maybe you've put on a little weight," CT-3563 teased.

"Yeah, right," Slice retorted.

7938 simply sighed as he followed the Jedi out. The wind was nippy, but other than that there was no signs that winter was here: no ice or snow. Odd.

The settlement was actually a village of wigwams made of mud and trees. The gunships had landed on the outskirts of the village, but were close enough to get the people's attention. 7938 could see most of the villagers stop what they were doing and watch as his men began deploying themselves from the transports.

"Orders, General?" 7938 asked, stepping up beside Tyrel.

"Have Lieutenant Slice take the men and secure the perimeter of the village," Tyrel ordered. "Make sure they understand that they are not to interfere with the people's business. You, Chalea and I will speak with the leader."

"Understood, sir," 7938 acknowledged. He stopped and turned to Slice. "Lieutenant, take the men and secure the perimeter. Make sure you don't interfere with what the people are doing; we don't need any conflict."

"Sir, yes, sir!" Slice nodded. "Alright, men, listen up!"

As Slice began barking orders, 7938 jogged ahead to catch up with the Jedi. Looking around the village, he noticed that most of the pieces of equipment were covered in cloth and animal furs. Actually, most of the people around were placing furs and reeds around their homes, insulating them for the winter. 7938 himself felt a bit warm in his snowsuit and he was beginning to wonder if he hadn't put it on too early.

Ahead, the Jedi were already speaking with an elderly villager dressed heavily in furs. The old human was flanked by an Ithorian and an Ugnaught, each just as heavily clothed. 7938 felt his lip twitch upward as he realized that Padawan Toothpick wasn't but a foot taller than the Ugnaught.

"Ah, here is my captain," Tyrel said as 7938 walked up.

"So," the elder human sighed, "this is indeed a military take over?"

"Our troops are here to ensure safety against outward threats, such as the Separatists or raiders," Reius replied. "Internal affairs are still yours to conduct."

The Ithorian began to speak, his vocabulator translating, "You believe that the Separatist are a threat?"

"Indeed we do, Makkim," Tyrel answered. "The Separatists will simply come and conquer this planet and force you to work for them. The Republic, however, is willing to negotiate."

"What if we refuse to mine our beryllium for the Republic?" the elder asked.

"That is of course your choice," Tyrel said calmly; "however, we would like to discuss the entire situation before you make your final decision."

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