003 // falling asleep on them

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IN WHICH . . .
you and them are best friends
but secretly like each other, one day
you're up late studying and fall asleep
on their shoulder


▹        the fire crackles in the common room as you sit with the slytherins studying. it's late at night and due to a gossiping section that took far too long to adjourn, you all were severely behind schedule.

"you know what? screw this, bedtime calls." pansy finally says, exasperated. throwing her notebook in her bag, she waves goodbye to the rest of the group.

"pansys right guys. it's getting pretty late, maybe we should continue tomorrow." mattheo adds, packing up his bag as well.

the rest of the group nods in agreement but you are extremely focused on the pages of notes in front of you. potions had been one of the hardest classes for you this year, and you really had to make sure you understood the material for the upcoming test.

"you guys go ahead, i really have to get this." you sigh, massaging your head and the impending headache.

the rest of the group waves goodbye to you and as they all wander off, you notice draco has stayed right beside you.

"you're not tired draco? it's almost midnight." you ask, smiling at him. draco had been one of your best friends since first year, you had known him when he was an arrogant little boy with egregiously slick backed hair and you watched him grow up to be - honestly a quite handsome - young man.

as the years progressed, you couldn't deny the lingering smiles and touches, the flirty texts that could be taken as nothing more than friendly - but weren't.

you didn't want to get your hopes up and potentially ruin the friendship that had brought you so much joy, so you both never said anything despite your persistent feelings.

"i don't want you to be alone, y/n. i'll wait for you." he leans down on the couch and you do the same, flipping pages of your potions textbook.

"thank you draco." a silence ensues, but it's a comfortable one. so many days you and him spent with each other that both of you could feel what the other was thinking, no words needed.

as you continue reading your assigned pages, you feel your eyes start to droop. it had been a while since you'd stayed up this late, and it was clearly taking a toll.

you yawned quietly and decided to rest your eyes for a few minutes. only a few minutes, you thought, who could it hurt?

closing your eyes, one minute became five as your head lulled to the side, propping itself up on draco's shoulder.

he had been completely immersed into his book and let out a small yelp as you laid your head on his shoulder.

looking at your sleeping face, a small smile plays on his lips. you look so peaceful there, and he didn't have the heart to wake you - and he didn't want to.

lifting a hand gently, he strokes your hair reassuringly as you fall deeper and deeper in your sleep.

after a while, draco drifts off next to you, his head on top of yours. an intimate position that neither of you expected to be in but welcomed .

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