007 // detention

131 8 2

a/n : thank you guys sm for the support
on the book! i've very busy with school and
extracurriculars but i'll try to be more active!


IN WHICH . . .
you two love to hate each other, but
in an unfortunate turn of events,
you're the only ones in


▹ when someone angrily slumps into the rickety chair next to you, you're not surprised to see a flash of blonde. draco malfoy, of course.

you stare at him out of your peripheral, it doesn't take a genius to see he's pissed off. severely.

you turn to him, a teasing smirk on your face, watching him fume silently in his chair.

"why so upset, malfoy?" he whips his head towards you angrily, his eyes flashing.

"what do you think my father is going to say when he finds out i got detention. all because of you and your stunt!" he whispers angrily, glaring at you.

you can tell he wants to go on, but in that moment, snape walks in. his heavy footsteps reverberate around the room.

"it seems only the two of you are in detention. mrs. l/n. mr. malfoy. i can't say i expected to see you two here. i expect much more from two of my star pupils." he stares at each of you in turn.

and well.. you suppose you deserve it. you and draco have never especially liked each other to say the least, so when you were partnered for a potions project- it was an explosive mix.


"yes sir. it won't happen again." draco's voice rings out. you try to hide your smirk as he practically grovels.

"for the next hour, you two are going to clean every single cauldron and potion in this room to make up for the mess you caused today. if you are not done by the time i come back from the faculty meeting, detention for another week." his voice is slow and deliberate.

"but sir!" you start to cry out, but draco silences you with a glare.

"yes sir." his voice says instead. you glance at him disbelieving. there has to be hundreds of potions in this room alone, not even counting the cauldrons.

snape takes his leave quickly and you turn to him.

"this is all your fault! now we're going to have detention for another week!" you spit the words at him, glaring at him.

he practically glowers at me.

"you think im not missing out on anything? im supposed to be at quidditch practice right now!"

you roll your eyes and scoff. "oh please, no amount of practice would make you any better."

you regret the words as soon as they come out of your mouth. dracos face turns red and he bursts out of his chair, walking quickly towards you.

you quickly get up out of your seat as well, glaring up at him defiantly.

your faces are dangerously close, you notice every single detail of the boys face. his piercing eyes and his long eyelashes. those perfect lips.

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