Chapter Three

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TODAY WAS RACE day. Jenna strapped her helmet securely on her head, her visor blocking the vision of her face. Vienna approached her with a smile, tapping her shoulder from behind to catch her attention.

"Hey, good luck today, yeah? My family isn't racing today so I'll be cheering you on from the stands." The slightly shorter girl encouraged her.

Jenna flicked her visor up — a smile present on her lips. "You showed up for me?"

"Yeah! I mean, I'm here for you, my brother and father always come to these races. It's like a memory they hold. Days like these they won't fight on since my mom was one of the best racers out there." Vienna explained, wrapping her arms around Jenna's neck. "Good luck, cutie." She leaned forward and pecked Jenna's cheek — the latter blushing furiously as Vienna pulled away to jog back over to Billie.

"You and Ortega hooking up again or...?" Billie asked unsurely, kicking her feet up on the chair rows below them.

"No... not really. We're just talking again." Vienna shrugged. She had been wanting to talk to Jenna about that, but the time was never right. "I hope she's safe."

"Eh, Jenna's a pro. Her dad taught her well." Billie wrapped a friendly arm around her best friend's shoulders, shaking her slightly with a smile as wide as the ocean. "Like yours taught Vinnie well."

"Yeah." Vienna quietly agreed and the childhood friends quieted down when the announcer stepped into his box, approaching the mic.

"Welcome back to street racing!" He began with an anticipated drum roll that got the crowd roaring. "Let's kick the summer off right! Let's meet our racers!" The man with slick, cloud grey hair clapped his hands together as he went down the row of racers. "Meet Maverick Keene, Kai Vines, Harry Lane, Rory Lane, and returning champ, Jenna Ortega."

Vienna felt a wide smile tug at her lips as Jenna's name was mentioned. She glanced at Billie who's face flushed when Rory's name was mentioned. "Still crushing on Miss Bitch?" She joked, nudging the green rooted girl.

"Oh, shut up." Billie shoved Vienna's shoulder resulting in a laugh from the latter before they both once again focused on the racers.

Jenna let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. When the woman at the end of the arc above them lowered the checkered flag, her foot pressed down on the gas and she was the first to take off and race down the track at almost 50 miles per hour.

Her hands tightened on the clutch lever, the engine growling beneath her. Jenna glanced off to her right to see her lost competitive rival, Rory. Rory and her weren't enemies, but during races, things got heated.

"Let's see if you can take home another trophy by the end of summer!" Rory yelled and stepped on the gas as she passed Jenna. Jenna let out a small frustrated sigh — she slightly cocked her head to each side, letting out a satisfying crack in her neck fo loosen up.

As easy as pie, Jenna slipped directly by Rory. Her gloating came to a short end when the pair — who were the only ones thus far ahead — saw the dead end. Meaning they took a wrong turn.

Well, shit. Jenna thought in her head before attempting something impossible looking. With a tight U turn, she managed to maneuver her bike through the tall, narrow forest that took place outside the track. Rory was long behind her.

Jenna's eyes glanced to the side to see the other racers on the right track which meant she wasn't far behind. With a sharp yank to the left, she skidded up a log and ramped onto the dirt path, she swerved a little — she kept trying to avoid any collision. It was easier said than done.

Harry Lane was the biggest cheater known in street racing. His wicked ideas spooked Jenna, she never knew what he could hit her with and jumping back into the race like this was the perfect opportunity for him to try something.

Jenna was a champion for a reason — she easily took first place again — making sure to stay on the right track. Harry, Rory's brother if you didn't know, was trailing right behind her, practically riding her ass.

"Should've quit racing like the Levine's." He yelled and cocked a smirk towards her through his clear visor as he popped a wheelie, taking the lead. Jenna wouldn't give up that easily. Her best friend, Maverick, decided to appear beside her and give her an extra push.

"Here!" He handed her a clamp to keep the gas lever steady. Due to Jenna's shaky hands, she could never manage to keep the gas lever completely down, causing her to fall back a little in the race.

"Thanks." She gave him a slight nod before setting the clamp down which gave her the extra speed boost. It came down to the last minute or two where all racers were close to the finish line. Harry was still in first place, but not for long. Jenna swerved around the other racers before popping her own cocky wheelie as she passed by Harry, throwing him the middle finger as she crossed the finish line.

"And Ortega takes the first win of the summer!" The announcer screamed and the crowd stood to their feet. Jenna drove steadily all the way till the stands where she hopped off and with the help of her sister, Aliyah, they set the bike down in one of the racks.

"No fucking fair!" Harry slammed his helmet down on the concrete, his sister rolling his eyes at his childish tantrum.

Vienna ran down the metal steps of the stands and launched herself at Jenna, who immediately wrapped her arms around the girl's waist. "I'm so proud of you! That was a tough race to watch." Vienna sighed happily when Jenna put her back on the ground.

"And it's only the first race of the season." Jenna smirked slightly, chuckling when Vienna murmured an agreement. "I'm craving a victory ice cream. Let's go to Baskin-Robbins."

this is absolute shit but look at my baby

AUTHORS NOTE: this is absolute shit but look at my baby

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