Chapter 1 - Emma Coleman

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10 years later...

At a house in winter, the sun sets above the clouds. The morning was happening, and all the people awake got ready to start their day. In a normal routine, you have to get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, then go to work or school. That was almost the little girl's routine on a weekday. A woman named Kate goes upstairs to find her daughter, Emma. "Emma?" she calls out, leaning on a door while also knocking on it. "Yeah?" "Get ready for school, sweetie. We're going to go at exactly six," Kate said, a warm smile on her face. Behind the door was a little girl wearing a sweater and a long pair of jeans. She was packing up her school supplies in a blue backpack with her name on it, Emma. It was sewn in her favorite color, blue. The little girl glanced at a mirror and grabbed a comb to brush her black, curly hair. She was also wearing big, wide glasses. She had freckles and blue eyes. She is pretty, young, and sweet-looking. After brushing her hair, Emma made her way downstairs. She saw her dad, who headed out to drive his way to work. She also saw her siblings—her older brother Daniel and younger sister Max. They were getting ready for school, too. "Alright, let's go," Kate said, all of them going out of the house and getting inside another car. School isn't far, but it's better to go early. Emma was sitting on the left side, her brother was in the passenger seat, and Max joined Emma by the back of the car, on the right. Kate, being the only adult and mother of the house, was, of course, the driver. "All set?" Kate asked, and all of the little kids nodded and drove together all the way to school.


It took a bit of a long driveway to reach their destination. There were so many kids outside. It wasn't late, but the school bell rang. The four Colemans got in there in time, and Kate parked the car right next to the entrance. Some kids were already walking inside, and others were just waiting for friends or family. "Have a good day at school," Kate said. It was Daniel who got out first. He didn't even glance back or say anything. Emma checks her bag, then grabs what she needs. "Got everything?" Kate asked, looking at Emma behind her chair. "Yes, mommy. Bye, bye, Max," Emma said, waving. The little sister could only smile in response, and so Emma leaves the car. She heads straight to the entrance of the school and turns her head to watch her mom and sister take their leave. Today isn't the first day of school, but it always feels like the first day of everything. Walking through the halls of the school, Emma goes to her locker and drops out all her things. Emma takes a glance at the school's clock, which was hanging above all heads. It's only 7:23, and class starts at 8 sharp. Today's schedule included literature class, science class, math class, and history class. With little to spare time, Emma walks around the school and watches all the other kids having time to run around, play games, and just stick with friends... While walking around the school, she saw her brother hanging out with his friends. A tall kid spotted Emma from a distance and leaned close to Daniel's face. Not knowing what they were saying, Emma just sighs and slowly turns away. "Your sister looks so stupid." Daniel laughs loudly with his friends, loud enough that his sister could hear. "Leave her be; that's why she has no friends." Hurt, Emma just walks off. In obvious cases, Daniel does this often. He makes fun of his friends and just says mean things to Emma. Yet, in the end, Emma always knew he'd start things like that. It was as if Daniel wouldn't care if Emma was even closer in view. At least what Emma could do to avoid the situation is to go to class and just stay there till it begins, and as a as a bonus, that classroom is at 209. Which is far from where Daniel and his friends would be. Emma headed left and straight. Pass the library and get closer to the science lab. Filled with thoughts, Emma barely felt her hand grab the doorknob, then proceeds to enter, where she finds her chair, slowly releasing her grip, and walks all the way to sit in her seat. She crosses her arms to rest her head and shuts her eyes. Emma groans with a headache. Already a pain, and yet class hadn't just begun. Emma tilted her head to glance at a clock above the teacher's empty desk. 7: 39. Still early. On all days in this school, couldn't her day get any worse? That is, until Emma heard the door creak open and raised her head. As soon as Emma turns her head, she spots a girl. A new girl that she has never seen before. "Who are you?" Emma asked. That new girl was wearing a dress. Emma has never seen a dress a dress in her life, and by the looks of her, she was the same height as Emma. The new girl looks around at first, then steps closer to get herself inside the classroom. "Hello there." The girl smiled. Emma tilted her head at her. "Are you new? I've never seen you around here." "Oh yes, I am." The girl walks closer and offers her a handshake. "My name is Esther." Without thinking, Emma shook her hand gently, like the gentlemen that they are. "Nice meeting you. Are you here to start literature class?" Emma takes a glance at the girl's arms. She was carrying the same class book, but Emma noticed her two wrists were tied to two black ribbons. Looking up, the new girl's neckline is wearing a tight black ribbon as well. It was new to Emma, who had never known such a style. "Yes. I hope this is the right room." "Don't worry, most of our class studies here," Emma said. "Good to know. You seem to know a lot," Esther said, sharing a warm smile like an angel. "Oh, well. Not really, but I guess I remember so much." Emma giggled, which made Esther giggle along. "Is that so?" Before any of the young girls got together, Esther tilted her head to check something, and when she saw it, she froze. "Your name is Emma?" Esther asks. Her expression shows that she just caught a lost kitten from the streets. When Emma heard her, she turned to see her seat, which had a sticker with her name on it. "Oh, my bad. Yeah. My name is Emma," Emma shamefully said, a little embarrassed. Or awkward. She caught a look at Esther; both of them kept staring. Although looking into each other's eyes is considered rude behavior, "You know, I would like someone to give me a tour around the school," Esther said. Emma was surprised. It's not common for Emma to spend time with someone the same age as her. Emma, knowing that she has no friends, was willing to take this opportunity. Maybe this new girl was going to be her friend! "Sure. I know all the places." Emma smiles happily, and the new girl, who is soon to be a friend, smiles at Emma. "Great. I'll see you around, Emma." The way she even calls Emma is soft and somewhat sticky as honey on her lips. Suddenly, more kids, like the two girls, came inside the classroom with their backpacks and books. Lots of them came to start the lesson, and a tall lady walks inside the class, carrying a mug of coffee, and settles into her desk. "Alright class, let's all settle down and take a seat at our chairs." The classroom wasn't huge, but with fewer students, there were a lot of spare chairs to sit at. Some had no names, and others may be other kids that aren't present. "Okay, everyone. I would like to introduce you to a new student." The teacher said. Esther, who was still next to Emma's chair, walks all the way in front of the class and smiles brightly. "Go ahead and tell everyone your name," the teacher instructed. "Hello, everyone. My name is Esther. It's a pleasure to meet you," Esther said, but although Esther may have spoken for the class, her eyes were focused on the girl she just met. Emma was just sitting there, watching Esther, but she didn't know that the eyes she laid on were still stuck to her. "Alright, Esther. Go ahead and take any seat." Finally, Esther walks her way through the classmates but stops next to Emma. Next to Emma was an empty chair—a chair with no sticker on it. So no one owns this chair, and Esther claims it. "Lucky to sit next to you, Emma," Esther said, her smile more bright when she looked at Emma's face. Emma just smiles. Feeling rather calm and safe. "That's cool," Emma said. And so, the class was just like that. Esther never stops staring at her seatmate.

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