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Bargain Castle used to be a grand, terrifying establishment. Even on a place like the Isle of the Lost, where everything was meant to be terrifying, Bargain Castle was leagues above the rest. The aged castle seemed to tower over the rest of the Isle, the picture of darkness and malice.

Or, it used to be.

A lot had changed in the past three months; Maleficent was supposedly the size of a gecko, her daughter was dating the king of Auradon, and the oldest daughter of the Tremaine family was the king's royal advisor.

Though, some would argue she was more than that. Much more.

Regardless of who she was, the people of the Isle hated her all the same. True, they hated Mal and her friends, too, but the distaste for Delphina Tremaine was unlike any other, with a heavy undertone of hurt and betrayal.

That was a key detail, she had to constantly remind herself. The contempt for Delphina Tremaine reeked with the stench of bitter insecurity and conclusions that had been made far too quickly. But it was contempt all the same.

She was just thankful the contempt hadn't reached the salon the way it had Bargain Castle. The other Tremaine kids, as well as Madonna and Drizella still inhabited the hair salon, and no one truly had the heart to target the family of such a formerly prominent figure of the Isle. The Draconas, on the other hand, were a different story.

The people of the Isle had waited a week, at best, before they began to loot the former home of the fairies. There was considerable uncertainty at first. People were unsure of whether Maleficent had truly been bested or if she was just biding her time in the form of a tiny lizard. The Isle sat in a strange limbo for seven days, unsure of how to proceed when Fairy Godmother did a press conference, announcing that Maleficent's new form was a permanent one and could not be undone.

Then, all hell broke loose.

The masses of the Isle had gone feral, storming the castle and tearing through it for anything that could be seen as valuable. In just a few hours, the grandeur of Bargain Castle was gone, reduced to just another abandoned building, tattered and destroyed.

The ground was barely visible through the amount of chaos that been strewn about: clothes had been fought over and torn to shreds, dressers and trunks had been completely overturned, and glassware had been shattered in the hopes that something valuable was stowed away, then swept aside when people realized there was nothing inside. All she could do was pray that, among all of the chaos, that one stupid stack of papers hadn't been discovered.

She was too pretty to go searching all over the Isle for a couple of stupid maps.

"Stupid kids," she grunted to herself, hopping over different piles of garbage. "She couldn't just destroy the damn core. Of course not. That would make my life easy, and we can never have that, can we?" she huffed, kicking aside a pile of books with more force than necessary. "Sixteen years. Over sixteen years of this bullshit. Did I ask for this? No. All I want is to get rid of this pathetic cunt I share a body with. But now, I'm forced to work for some batshit crazy fairy that's not even a fairy anymore and solve the problems her stupid daughter created because she couldn't just shut up and let her ass get kicked. Unbelievable."

She shoved open the doors to what used to be Maleficent's throne room, beginning to rifle through every cabinet and opening she knew of, continuing to gripe and mutter as she did.

"This is what happens when you have kids. They grow up and get all annoying and they piss people off and you're forced to pick up the pieces. I should've just drank that stupid tea. Put everyone out of their misery. But nooo, she was all weepy and desperate with her 'if you kill my baby, I'll kill both of us.' Ridiculous. And now, that little brat keeps fucking with my life with her enemies and her stupid little powers and–"

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