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"Those arrogant, holier-than-thou, bitter, stuck-up assholes!"

Fairy Godmother flinched softly as Delphina unleashed a furious wave of magic onto the test dummies she had summoned, reducing the stuffed figures to nothing but piles of ash. For the past ten minutes, Delphina had taken the rage she couldn't unleash on the council and tore into anything that Fairy Godmother placed in front of her. The older woman had taken one look at Delphina after she stormed into the training room, eyes glowing dangerously bright, and accepted that their training session was going to start a little later than normal.

Fairy Godmother could only watch, visibly concerned as Delphina turned around, panting, as her magenta aura of magic thrummed with so much fury and power, it released her hair from its ponytail and lifted it into a floating, red halo. Her eyes had been completely taken over by her magic, adding to the enraged glow that poured out of her.

Fairy Godmother remained unfazed by the sight, only sighing sympathetically, her hands folded in front of her.

"Get it all out yet?"


The fairy winced and nodded, murmuring an 'I thought so' under her breath as she summoned a few more dummies, plastering all of their faces with an obnoxious caricature of Genie.

Each dummy was blown to bits moments later, letting little bits of stuffing and paper fall to the floor. Fairy Godmother just sniffed softly, briefly checking her watch and pulling a piece of stuffing out of her hair.

Behind the pair, the doors to the training room were pushed open and Ben slipped in warily, tablet in hand as he gave Fairy Godmother a sheepish smile. She tried to offer one back as Ben stepped fully into the room, focusing on the furious redhead before him.

"Hey, Fina–"

His soft voice went unheard by Delphina's furious grunts of effort. She had resorted to crafting her own dummies, then demolishing them with either magical energy or sheer telepathic force.

Ben smiled, soft and sympathetic as he tucked the tablet under his arm



The magical echo of her voice rattled the walls of the room. She turned around with such aggression that Ben and Fairy Godmother were blown back by the sudden gust of wind that came with it.

Still glowing and furious, Delphina was blinded by her rage for a split second before realizing that it was Ben in front of her and not some stuffy aristocrat interrupting her session of destruction.

Slowly but surely, the magical glow of her eyes faded. The whites of her eyes returned, and her irises faded from magenta to light blue. Her hair lowered from its state of floatation until it settled on her shoulders once more, and eventually, her magical aura dissipated, leaving an exhausted teenage girl standing in a mess of stuffing.

"Oh," Delphina panted, wiping sweat off her brows before placing her hands on her hips. "Ben. Hey, what's up?" She asked breathlessly. Ben couldn't help the laugh that escaped at her sudden switch in demeanor, shaking his head.

"You're stunning when you're pissed, you know that?"

Delphina rolled her eyes, folding her arms across her chest. "You only say that because I never get pissed at you."

Ben pulled a pensive face, shaking his head once more. "No, you're stunning even then. Actually, you're stunning at all times. I don't know how you do it."

Delphina snorted, hoping the tired flush of her cheeks hid the blush that began to spread as Fairy Godmother whistled behind them.

"Hey! No flirting on the clock, you two. Save it for after hours."

𝑰'𝑽𝑬 𝑮𝑶𝑻 𝑨 𝑫𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑴 - 𝑫𝑬𝑺𝑪𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑺Where stories live. Discover now