Magical Love

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Lisa was born in rich family but she's was hated by her parents because she's was the first girl born in that family. The family went to meet their family priest since Lisa was a baby, the priest told to them Lisa can bring bad luck to the family, the way to get rid of her is just kill her or sold her to another family. It's took them one day to think about it soon they decide to sold Lisa to a billionaire family. The billionaire family didn't have child because the woman can't get pregnant, so they adopted Lisa but they didn't love her, they just act like they love her infront of everyone, they always abused her and didn't even care about it, growing up Lisa was just spending time alone afraid of people and she always think who is her real parents since when she was 6 years old the billionaire parents told her that her real parents sell her to them. When she was 19 years old she joined a famous college in Korea, she went inside and saw bunch of people were shouting a guys name JEON JUNGKOOK. Lisa was like who's the hell are they shouting about when suddenly she were walking while holding a juice and she accidentally bump into someone, the juice fell on top the person, she look to see a handsome guy who's name is Jeon Jungkook, he was handsome but he's attitude wasn't that good. Lisa apologize to Jungkook but he's not a guy to forgive he like to mess with someone that he's also played with Lisa, they become enemy Jungkook like to mess with Lisa ignoring his fan girl who are drooling over him soon they ended college. Lisa and Jungkook got separated, Jungkook feel boring because he never had enjoy his life but when Lisa came he felt like he's crazily liking her not just her beauty but everything about her. Jungkook parents decided to get him married with a girl but the problem was Jungkook is a guy who had been cursed he has to find an angle girl which is very hard and rare. Jungkook parents thinks that the girl, Jungkook were going to married is Yeri a girl with angel heart but Jungkook knows that Yeri is not a kind hearted girl, they date before but she cheated on him for money without realizing Jungkook is far more rich. One day Jungkook were going to his office when a car suddenly hit his car, he went out to see a girl came out from the car, Jungkook look at the girl and shock to know that Lisa was that girl, as usual fighting start first but Lisa just drove away. At his office Jungkook were doing his meeting with another company and that company was Lisa, they both were business partner. After they're company got a huge profit they had a party where Jungkook parents meet Lisa and showed Yeri to Lisa, Yeri was mean to Lisa and also forgot to tell that Lisa has become a bit talkative she wasn't always silent and her billionaire was good than before, Lisa also lives alone with her own money, while enjoying the party suddenly Jungkook eyes turned red like vampire because that was the cursed, Jungkook mom ask Yeri to help him get normal back but Yeri is not an angel when suddenly Lisa got attack by Jungkook power but nothing happened to her which shock everyone, suddenly Jungkook faint out, Lisa ran to him she saw blood at Jungkook forehead but she didn't fight back or anything, Jungkook parents turned suspicious to Lisa and Yeri, they decide to meet their family priest, the priest told to them that Lisa can be the angel but Yeri also can be. So they decide to test both of them to see who is an angel they bought both of them to a jungle that is the place where Jungkook is cursed basically he was cursed because another family hated Jungkook dad they decide to cursed him and Jungkook dad is already died, Jungkook mom got married with another guy which is Jungkook dad best friend but the cursed continued to Jungkook so if they got married to angel the cursed will stop but they have to get rid the curse from their body. In the jungle they took Lisa to another place while Yeri at different place they hit their head and get both of them faint out. After they woke up they will saw Jungkook near a huge well walking towards it so whoever saved Jungkook is the real angel and that well is really dangerous it's can eat them, Lisa and Yeri both wake up the same time but Lisa is the one that save Jungkook. Jungkook parents ask Yeri why she's lie to them,Yeri decided to tell the truth and they just kicked her out from their life, Lisa didn't know about Jungkook cursed until one day she got kidnap by a bunch of bad guys, Jungkook save her with his power. Jungkook forcedly get Lisa married to him even though Lisa didn't want. Jungkook were selfish he didn't think about Lisa heart but he just get married for the sake of his parents that didn't want to see him die. After a long time Lisa fell first for Jungkook but she just hide her feelings while Jungkook didn't know his feeling towards Lisa he just think is just something about his heart soon he decided to tell about his feelings to Lisa but she got shoot by an arrow, Jungkook were sad and always miss Lisa but the truth was Lisa is still alive   she just did some act because she found a clue in the jungle, a small cave inside that they were a paper saying that kill yourself to get a guidance. Soon Jungkook knows about Lisa act, he ask her why did she lie she told that she saw a woman die and a man which is Jungkook step dad infront of the died woman. Jungkook feel suspicious and decided to stalk his own step dad soon he found out that Jungkook dad was the fault he kill he's best friend wife because his best friend wife love his best friend more than him. The one who curse Jungkook real dad was Jungkook step dad, Jungkook decided to tell his mom she doesn't believe it and think Lisa told Jungkook a lie, she told Jungkook step dad without Jungkook knowing that they have to kill Lisa. Jungkook step dad become more alert and decide to kill Lisa but on that night Jungkook save Lisa from the danger he kill his step dad when suddenly his own mom stab him infront of Lisa and Jungkook grandparents, Jungkook couldn't believe that his mom will do that he faint out, Lisa got angry and she shouted at her she told everyone about the stories they felt bad for Jungkook, Lisa and Jungkook step dad first wife but Jungkook mom loves for her first husband and second husband is just incomparable than her love for Jungkook her own son. One day past by Jungkook were a bit better after getting stabbed while his step dad was already died. Jungkook mom become crazy and depressed she didn't know what to do when suddenly a fairy appeared and brought her to tell her the whole stories about Jungkook and Lisa, she got stunned, after the fairy disappeared she decided to write a sorry notes to Lisa and Jungkook then she did suicide. Lisa felt bad about Jungkook family, she decided to leave Jungkook since the cursed was already end but Jungkook stopped her and confess about his feelings.

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