Uta x Kaneki

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WARNING: spoilers for those who don't follow the manga or have not read :re yet.
I'm genuinely scared to write smut considering I haven't written I general in over a year so this won't contain any 😅 also I update on a phone, so sorry for typos. This is just a Drabble.
Kaneki loved his boyfriend Uta very much. It was kinda overwhelming how much in fact, but he could not help but be suspicious that Uta was hiding something from him! All this "overtime" at HySy, and all of these "important meetings for work!" What's so important about masks that they need to hold a freaking meeting over them?!
He just didn't get it. Maybe he was overthinking. "Yeah that's right, I've got to be overthinking." Ken thought to himself.
"But just incase.." He thought as he began walking towards Uta's at home work-desk. The top drawer on the left side had a lock on it, how was he supposed to get it open!?
"Dammit." Kaneki whispered under his breath as the paperclip he attempted to lock-pick the lock with broke. He then decided to look in the other drawers. He opened the top right one, he rummaged a bit before closing it and retreating at the sound of the front door opening. One word stuck at the back of his mind.
"Hello love." Uta greeted Kaneki as he stepped inside the apartment.
"You're home early." Kaneki smiled as he embraced his boyfriend.
They ate dinner together, it being quite silent with Uta being not much of a talker, and Kaneki sitting there trying to remember the word that happened to stick out while going through Uta's files.
"You don't look so well Ken, you should go to bed soon." Uta said, not looking up from his plate. Kaneki nodded and put his dishes.
In bed, all he could think about was the word he couldn't remember. "This is no use. I'm not going to remember it at this state." Kaneki thought to himself.
Uta soon came in the room and slipped into bed with his lover. He spooned Kaneki and played with his hair.
Just as Kaneki was drifting to sleep, he just barely heard Uta faintly whisper, "You really are a beautiful tragedy." As soon as he had heard those words, he remembered it. The word was, clowns.
Still heartbroken over the ending of the manga. Sorry for the lack of "romance," I felt as though I needed to write this in order to satisfy my anger with the mangas ending. Feel free to leave requests, love you all 💕

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