Touka Kirishima x Nishio Nishiki

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Can I just start with the fact that I love this pairing and believe it should be so much more popular than it already is (which isn't very popular).
They're just the perfect hate/love pairing. I love it.
On with the story~
"Shitty Nishiki."
"Shitty Touka."
The two greeted each other as Nishiki entered the coffee shop for his morning shift. God, did he hate mornings as it is, and dealing with Kirishima's attitude was not helping.
"Where do you think you're going?" Touka asked as Nishiki headed for the back room.
"To uh, check on the coffee beans?" The way he said it, it came out more as a question rather than an answer.
"Not likely. Last time you "checked on coffee beans" I caught you sleeping in the back room. If the beans need checking, I'll be the one to do so." Touka said proudly.
"Shitty brat." Nishiki mumbled. Touka simply shot a glare at him, he couldn't help but smirk.
Throughout the morning they shot little jabs at each other, most customers found it funny and laughed a bit, one commenting how they bickered like a married couple. Other customers would complain saying it was, "unprofessional."
As business began to slow down, Nishiki found himself leaning on the counter staring at Touka.
He couldn't help but notice something different about her. It wasn't that she seemed sick, or that anything was wrong. Maybe it was just her affect on him had changed? Whenever he saw her smile at a customer, his heart would flutter a bit. And whenever she laughed, he just wanted to walk over to her and embrace her. "Maybe it's just from being around this godforsaken caffeine all the time, it must be getting to my head. Yeah. That's it." He thought to himself.
"Oi! Nishiki, go get some more coffee beans from the back. And quit daydreaming." Touka said.
Nishiki couldn't help but notice a slight tint of pink on her cheeks, had she noticed him staring? Probably. Oh well.
He went to the back room, and failed to find the light switch. He attempted to feel around the room and find a can of coffee beans, which only led to him tripping and taking a few boxes and cans down with him.
Because of the noise, Touka quickly ran to the back room to see what had happened. "Nishio?" She said aloud as she entered the room. She heard a noise that sounded like a barely audible "right here."
She walked toward the noise, and tripped over a can.
She landed on something soft on the bright side. That was until she realized the something was a someone. And that someone happened to be a very flustered ginger.
"T-Touka. You're kind of on top of me." Nishiko said, slightly embarrassed.
"Oh- right. Sorry." Touka said, mentally thanking the lack of light that hid her blush.
Just as Touka was about to get up, Irimi entered the room.
"Oh. I see. I'll leave you two alone." Irimi said with a wink before leaving the room as quick as she had entered it.
Touka blushed at those words, and began to get up until she felt Nishiki's hands on her waist.
"Shitty Nishiki, what the hell are you doi-" she was cut off and Nishiki had sat up and pressed his lips to her.
She hesitated but instinctively pushed him away, while remaining on his lap.
"What the hell was that?!" She said, blushing.
Nishiki couldn't help but grin, "You can't tell me you didn't like that." Touka simply glared at him, "fuck you." She mumbled. Nishiki smirked and slowly leaned in, kissing her with much less force compared to before. After a second or so, she began kissing back. He had his arms wrapped around her waist, and she had her hands knotted with his hair. Surprisingly, it was Nishiki who had pulled away. He rested his forehead against hers and said, "See? I knew you liked it." Touka rolled her eyes and got up. "Where are you going?" He pouted. "Shithead, we have to get back to work." She said. He couldn't help but groan as he got up. Just as Touka was about to open the door and leave, He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, and kissed her cheek, silently saying I love you.
Sorry for shortness and ooc. I tried.
Leave requests and reviews, love you all 😛

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