Cave - Zuko x Reader

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It was kind of hard to remember how exactly you got here.

But what you did know was that you had been on an abandoned Fire Nation ship with Aang, Toph, Katara, Sokka, and MoMo. And somehow Sokka managed to trigger a trap which led to Zuko coming here and tying you up to use you as bait for Aang.

But his plan failed when there had been a snow storm/blizzard outside.

And now you were here.

In a very small cave, with someone you could not stand. Due to the caves smallness, you were a mere four, maybe five feet away from him.

"Hey Prince of the Jerk Nation, since it's obvious I won't get away in this weather would you mind cutting these ropes?" You said.

Zuko looked at you with an aggravated expression. He let out a deep breath and walked over to you to cut your ropes.

When he touched your arm while cutting the rope a warm sensation spread throughout your arm, was it because he was a Fire Bender?

He mumbled something barely audible that sounded like, "Done." Before retreating to his side of the cave, the warmth leaving with him. You shivered and sat down against the cave wall, it was so cold.

You got up and began to pace, hoping that'd generate some heat. "That won't work." Zuko said. You ignored him and continued pacing for a few moments before giving up and sitting down again. "Can't you make a fire or something?" You asked.

"No, I don't have any sticks." He said. "Great so you're useless." You replied. "Tch, it's not even that cold." He said. "Easy for you to say. You're basically a human heater." You said. Zuko smirked with a sudden idea, but quickly wiped the smirk away. "I have an idea. Just don't freak out, okay?" You nodded in response.

Zuko sat down next to you and pulled you into his lap. You blushed immediately, "Zuko, what are you do-" "It's only to keep you warm so I can use you as bait for the Avatar." He cut you off. "Gee thanks." You replied sarcastically.

You hated to admit it, but you somewhat enjoyed being this close to him, and you knew it wasn't just because he was warm. You knew you couldn't like him though, for goodness sake, he had tried killing/capturing you and your friends multiple times.

You snuggled into him more, burying your face into the crook of his neck. You couldn't see it, but Zuko was smiling. You could feel his embrace on you tighten. "Thank you." You mumbled, Zuko tensed slightly at the feeling of your breath on his skin. "You're uh, welcome." He said awkwardly. He wasn't used to people being grateful towards him. You didn't know why, but you planted a small kiss on his neck. "(Y/n)?" He said. "Hm?"

You pulled away from his neck to face him. He was starring into your eyes, and it made your stomach turn, in a good way. He placed a hand on your cheek and pulled you into a short, sweet kiss. You blushed intensely as you began to pull away, but Zuko had other plans. He pulled you into a longer, more passionate kiss. You knotted your fingers in his hair to deepen the kiss, he licked your bottom lip asking for entrance. You denied, you weren't going to let him in so easily. He groaned and pinched your hip, causing you to gasp and he quickly took the opportunity to explore your mouth.

As he did this you felt warmth spread throughout your entire body. You began to fight for dominance, which he of course won.

He now had you pinned under him and he was leaving love bites all down your neck to your chest. He had found a sensitive spot on your collar bone and bit it softly, leaving a rather noticeable red mark. Zuko also had some pretty noticeable hickeys covering his neck and collar bones, which he knew his Uncle would ask about. But right now, neither of you cared about that. You were so wrapped into each other that you hadn't noticed the storm progressively stopping.

Zuko had begun taking your top off and you froze slightly, he noticed. "(Y/n), are you okay?" He noticed you were no longer starring at him, so he turned around to see a very confused Sokka standing at the entrance of the cave.

"Sokka. You are dreaming." You said simply. Sokka nodded in response and turned around and began to walk away, the poor guy. Zuko and you couldn't help but laugh at what had just happened. When the laughed died down you pushed him off you so you were both sitting up. "Zuko, what are we doing?" You asked, very confused. "I.. I don't know. I know that I like you, a lot. But you're the avatars friend.. I'm just so.. Confused." He confessed. You looked down. "I like you too.. But we both know we could never actually be together." You admitted sadly. You tried to mot make it noticeable tears were flowing from your eyes, but Zuko knew, and he pulled you into a warm embrace. Was he really going to let this girl ruin his chances or restoring his honor? He was so confused. She made him happy, really happy, and lately he's been questioning his motives ever since his sister Azula had tried attacking him. "I'm going to join you and the Avatar. My Uncle and I could help teach him fire bending." Zuko announced. You looked up with a smile on your face. "Wa- Really?" You asked. He nodded and you kissed him. "I love you so much, words can't describe." He said. "That sounded cheesy. But thanks jerk bender, I love you too." You said playfully.

The only challenge left was getting everyone to accept him into the group.


(A/n) I may make an extended ending of the groups reactions. Should I?

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