Part 8

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Felix's pov:

i know i should be feeling right now. i should be angry at her, i should be sad she wont talk to me, i should never want to see her again. but honestly? i dont feel anything. except empty. i feel empty.

minho's pov:

i walk into his room and take a deep breathe before i walk in the door. its so hard to see the groups ray of sunshine like this. he usually makes everyone happier and just him being there can brighten our days, but now...  i dont know how to feel.... honestly i feel hurt. i dont know why. chris says he hasn't done anything wrong and i understand that. but i still feel like he's abandoned us. chan says he's lost in himself. i dont really know what that means.

i open the door.


no reply, like always. everyday for two weeks.

i take yesterdays bowl of ramen which is now cold and disgusting looking and replace it with todays gimbap.

i wish he would eat.

i walk over to his bed with a glass of water and set it on his  bed side table

"lix, im going to put this water here alright?"

i put it down and then a small hand slips out of the blanket and grabs it.

"hyung." his voice. it sounds bad, like he hasn't spoken in weeks. oh wait. he hasn't.

"hey bokkie"

"hyung. has hannah said anything?"


he drinks the water slowly, still in the tent of the blanket, but i can't help hope, i dont know for what, but maybe he's better.

"hyung i wouldn't be asking but..." he voice was wobbling and i knew he was about to cry, its probably best for him if i go, even if everything inside me is screaming for me to stay.

"its fine lix" i  slowly start  to walk to the door.

a soft, tiny hand grabs mine.

"i need help minho-ssi"

"sure, what do you need?"

"i really dont feel good"

"lix its understandable, she just-"

"not like that."

i start to back away. 

"im going to get chan, ok?"

i dont wait for a reply and quickly make my way towards the door. 

(a/n: sorry for all the speech lol, this took me so long to write its not even funny. i have been listening to loose by breathe on repeat for a whole week now, its becoming a problem lmao)

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