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Prince Jungkook became my obsession for a long time. It's not because he has money, power or a charming look but for his nice heart. He shows his feelings openly & hides nothing. His devotion for his mother made me fall deeper. The person who loves his mother so much can never disrespect any other woman & maybe that's why he never looks in a bad way at any woman because he is decent & gentle. But now I can't understand him.

I fell in love with him but he keeps showing me his back. Pushing me away for no reason but I can't take it anymore. I am his wife & not any other woman that he should stay away. Is that because he doesn't believe me?

I'm getting impatient with this confusion. I want to live my life as I imagined with him. I want to make him feel home with me. I want to be a person whom he can trust & show his heart out. I want to be the person he can love & smile with. I want to be near him, not as his wife but his dear one.

"Ah..." I gasped as I cut my finger while being drowned in oblivion. Taking my finger to my lips, I sucked the blood.

It is a bad sign.

I looked for the prince in his room but the guard told me he was not there. It was almost 12, where he might now?

I walked through the corridor at the backside of palace. Coincidentally, I found him. He was standing there with his eyes closed.

He looked like he was trying to relax, but his smooth forehead had a furrow of irritation. Something seemed to be bothering him and he was fighting with it in his mind.

I took a deep breath and stood next to him. I don't know if he sensed my presence or not. Probably not because he was still in the same pose. I thought I shouldn't stay silent like this. He might think I am stalking him or have some bad intentions.

"Your Highness..." I murmured lightly and his eyebrows twitched a little but he said nothing.

I clutched the handkerchief in my hand and did not know what to do. He is not talking to me, so how can I suddenly give him a gift? What if he doesn't accept it and gets upset? But he might not... I should think positive because I have done no wrong to him.

"The...the sky looks beautiful, doesn't it?" I said a bit hesitantly but he still didn't reply & kept closing his eyes.

"The new year will start in a little while. Aren't you excited?" I said holding my breath because I was afraid he would get upset.

He didn't say anything for a long time and seemed to be preparing an answer. I looked down sadly. He is just ignoring me but why?

He opened his eyes & swallowed his saliva. Then he said still looking at the sky, "Do you have anything else to say or I am leaving."

His tone was harsh as if he is disturbed & wants to push me away. But till when this will continue? I don't want to be hung in hopes. I want yes or no, acception or rejection, allow or deny.

"Ah...I made this for you...I hope you will like it," I said in a calm voice & smiled forwarding the handkerchief to him. He looked at it & remained silent for a while. He looked hesitant & confused what to do. He seemed that I gave him a hard sum & he couldn't solve it.

"It's beautiful....but I won't take it," his straight forward answer took me by surprise. Didn't he like it? Is it that ugly for him to accept it?

"You don't like it?" my voice cracked due to inner pain.

He sighed & replied, "Go back to your chamber. It's cold outside."

He again ignored me. What's the problem of him telling me the truth? If he doesn't love me then what's meaning of these hopes he is giving me? And what's the meaning of acting rude all of a sudden?

I clutched the purple handkerchief in my hand tightly & a look of sadness plastered on my face. I was mad, extremely mad that my voice trembled. Still I managed to say, "Please don't ignore me all the time, Your Highness."

He stared at me for a while & I stared back at his eyes. His eyes were empty & I couldn't find a trace of emotion. He is really good at throwing cold replies at people because he is the prince & he is also doing it to me. But do I really deserve it?

He married me & just indicating me as his wife in public. But what are we doing in private? We are just like strangers.

He doesn't love me but is jealous. He gives me his cold shoulders but sometimes cares for me. He kisses me & then he turns away. What does all of it means?

"Go to your chamber. Don't be stubborn," he said & started walking away from me.

"What is the truth you were talking to my father about?" I asked directly & he was taken aback. There was a hint of tension on his face & I knew there is something that I don't know but I need to know.


I screamed in pain a little & hearing my sound a gaurd came in & asked, "Your Highness, are you alright? We heard sound."

"No, I cut my finger. Nothing much. You can go," I was a little surprised at them coming in just by hearing a sound.

"Ah...wait," I said when he was about to leave.

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"Is...His Highness in his chamber?" I asked being a bit nervous as I am always about him.

"Yes, he is. He is in a discussion with the Commander-in-cheif."

A tension rose in my chest hearing it. He doesn't actually talk with father in private but in conference with many other cabinet members. Is he...is he complaining to my father about my acts? Is he complaining that I stalk him or I even asked him that question?

Oh God no...Father is gonna be in trouble because of me. I can't let that happen.

I got out from my room & headed for Jungkook's. I know guards won't let me go in & so I didn't even try. But I was anxious about this matter.

I quietly went near the window where no one can see me & tried to hear them. I was relieved to know that they are talking about state matters. I heaved sigh of relaxation & smiled. Prince Jungkook is not that bad that he would complain to my father. I know he trusts me & deep in his heart he loves me but he is not ready to show it, is he?

Suddenly, I heard them uttering my name & I got confused. A fear rose in my heart about the discussion. I leaned near the window & tried to hear clearly.

"Your Highness, does Y/N got to know the truth?" Father's voice was tensed.

"I don't think so...."

"I don't know how long this will be a secret but I am afraid of the day she will get to know the truth," Father was in the verge of tears.

"Don't be so worried. She is so strong. I don't think she will react vulnerably," Jungkook's tone was something I cannot understand.

"Y/N might look strong from outside but she is not like that from inside. After her mother died, I never let her get a single scratch. I hope His Highness understands," Father's pleading made me sad & my heart trembled as I have never seen him weak like this.

"One day she will get to know the truth & everyone has to get ready for that," Jungkook's voice was calm & steady.

What truth are they talking about? What are they hiding from me? Questions rose in my mind which I needed answer. Father is anxious about it & so it is really something serious.

My heart started pounding with an unknown apprehension. I began to feel that something bad was about to happen. Something will happen that will ruin everything, destroy everything.

[End of Flashback]

------End of EP 37------

06:34 PM

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