Chapter two

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"So what happened last night? " Michonne asks Winnie. 

Winnie had come over to watch Judith while Michonne went on a run with Rick and Daryl

"It rained. "Winnie shrugged
"Don't play coy. "Michonne smirks "We saw Daryl go in your house last night and not come out till this morning."
"You mean that?"Winnie asks feeling her stomach flip flop.
She had to admit it would have been nice to feel the warmth of a man again and Daryl was a man in every sense of the word.

"Uh huh." Michonne nods
"Nothing happened we drank tea and talked and then he passed out on my couch. "Winnie sighs
"You sound disappointed. "Michonne points out the obvious
"I...umm Daryl doesn't see me that way, he made that perfectly clear last night."Winnie couldn't look at Michonne as she said it
"But you do. "Michonne says

Before Winnie could answer Rick and Daryl walked in the the back door. 

"We should go check the north side today. "Rick tells Daryl
"Sounds good. "Daryl nods following Rick. 

Daryl seemed surprised to see Winnie so soon in Rick's kitchen but he didn't say anything Winnie held his stare for a moment Winnie could of swore they were thinking the same thing.

Everything had changed between them.

"Well I'm going to get some gardening done with Ms. Judith's help." Winnie tells them picking up Judith
"Sound like fun. "Rick smiles
"I'll walk you over there." Michonne tells her

Michonne walked with Winnie back over to her home.  Leaving Rick and Daryl in his kitchen

"The whole town thinks you two spent the night together. "Rick turns to Daryl
"Nuthin' happened. "Daryl says adjusting the strap on his crossbow
Rick left it alone he figured Michonne would pick it out of him.
"The north side? " Rick asks
"Yup." Daryl nods.

"Did you actually tell Daryl how you feel?"Michonne asks walking with Winnie back to her house
"No but I feel like he can read my mind."Winnie tells her
"Don't let Daryl fool you he's an oblivious oaf most of the time."Michonne smiles
"If you say so. "Winnie laughs stopping at her door adjusting Judith who turned to look at Michonne.
"You should tell him." Michonne says
"There's no point. "Winnie sighs

"Michonne! "Rick called to her from the van
"Coming. "Michonne called back "You should. " she adds before joining Rick and Daryl at the van.

A part of Winnie wished she was physically stronger maybe she could be more like Michonne and go with them.
Before Daryl climbed into the van he looked back at Winnie she waved in response. Daryl just nods.


"So you and Winnie huh?" Michonne smiles at Daryl from the front seat of the carrier van they drove during runs
"There is no Winnie and me." Daryl says looking out the window
"Why not? "Michonne asks. Rick who was driving looks in the rear view mirror at Daryl.
Daryl gave Michonne an exasperated look.  Rick decided to stay out of it.
"Whats it matter?" Daryl asks
"Cause Winnie obviously cares for you and Rick said you went out of your way to find camera film the other day just for her."Michonne states
"Ya told her?" Daryl asks looking at Rick
"Leave me out of it."Rick says
"If you have feelings for her."  Michonne continues "You should tell her."
"There's no point? " Daryl looks back outside.  Michonne furrowed her brow before looking at Rick.
"You should always tell someone how you feel no matter what. "Michonne smiled at Rick who couldn't help but smile from the driver's seat. 
Daryl doesn't respond everyone he ever loved died because of him. He couldn't allow that to happen to her.


It was almost sunset when Rick, Michonne and Daryl returned to Alexandria.
Stepping out of the van Daryl could see Winnie through her front window sitting in her arm chair reading.

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