Chapter ten

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Author note:

This is the last half of the first part of Winnie and Daryl's story there is a second half as well that I'll post soon

Winnie couldn't help it either she started to cry too while holding her Daryl. Her heart ached for him after all the time they spent at Alexandria getting to know each other and Daryl opening up and Winnie helping him conquering his demons.
For them to be thrown back in his face and locked in a small dark room with them.
Winnie understood after what she did at the Sanctuary that her and Daryl would never have a normal long as Negan was still alive.

After a shower and changing into more comfortable clothes Winnie returned to the room. 
Winnie found Daryl lounging on the bed reading the only book she took from Negan's library.

"When'd ya get this one?" Daryl asks
"Yesterday. "Winnie sat on the side of the bed close to Daryl.
Daryl looked at her than back at the book.
"Did ya? "
"Did I what? "
"Let Negan have his way with ya? "

Daryl's words pierced Winnie like a knife.
"No." Winnie whimpered "I could never..." Winnie's vision became blurry from tears covering her face she tired to calm down. 
"Sorry. " Daryl pulled her to him holding her close "I just had to know. "

They were interrupted by knock on the door.
The door opened only slightly
"Maggie wants to see you two. " Aaron tells them
"We'll be right down. "Daryl tells him.

Aaron closed the door just in time because Daryl kissed Winnie deeply. 

"Here." Daryl put the heart necklace back around Winnie's neck
"Yer missing this."
Winnie touched the heart pendant with her hand before more tears fell from her eyes.
Winnie knew what she had done. She'd jeopardized everything the people of Alexandria,The hilltop and even the the Kingdom worked so hard for.


The afternoon  sun peeked through the curtains in Maggie's office as Daryl and Winnie sat close to one another waiting for Maggie.
Daryl kept his eyes on the doors waiting for Maggie but he held Winnie's hand.
Maggie walked into the office she looked tired and frustrated but she smiled when she saw Daryl and Winnie

"It's good to see you two alive. " Maggie sat across from them
"Thank you. "Winnie spoke
"I sent Jesus to give a message to Rick and the others. "Maggie tells them "That way we can discuss our next move. " she adds
"Okay." Winnie nods
"Enid says you poisoned Negan. "Maggie flatly says
"Yes I did. "
"Was it supposed to kill him?" Maggie asks
"Unfortunately not." Winnie sighs

Maggie grew silent just looking at Winnie than at Daryl
"Would you kill Negan given the chance?" Maggie asks
"Without hesitation. "
"And Eugene helped you? "Maggie asks "You took a big risk trusting him."
"I'm fully aware of what I did."Winnie says "I'm torn I know I should have waited for a better opportunity to kill Negan but knowing Daryl was being tortured while I was getting five-star treatment...I couldn't do it. "
"I see. "Maggie nods "I can't say I blame you. " Maggie's eyes became distant but only for a moment. 
Winnie wondered if Maggie would have done the same for Glenn


After talking to Maggie Daryl and Winnie returned to their room.

"I'm gonna take a shower. " Daryl tells her grabbing the extra towel
"Yeah okay. "Winnie sits down on the bed.
"Everythin okay? " Daryl asks
"No everything is not okay. "Winnie held herself
"What's on yer mind Win' ?" Daryl sat next to her
"Alot of things."
"Like...if I had never left the Kingdom that morning none of this would of happened."Winnie says
"Are ya saying ya wish we'd never met?" Daryl asks chewing on his lip.
"No...I wouldn't change a thing. "Winnie tells him
"Than what are ya saying? " he asks
"I just feel like everything you've worked so hard for its now ruined because of me." Winnie expresses
"Don't say that. "Daryl holds her hand
"It's true. "Winnie sighs
"No it ain't. "
"Our lives...the future we wanted I'm afraid it's not possible anymore."Winnie says
"It's still possible. "
"We'll run away together." Daryl suggests smiling
"And go where? "Winnie asks
"Anywhere. "Daryl says "We pick a direction and go."
"Daryl...Negan will still come for us." Winnie reminds him
"We won't stay anywhere long." Daryl says
"But you'll be leaving behind basically your family." Winnie says "You can't tell me you want that."
"No I don't. "Daryl shook his head "But as long as we're together and yer alive I'll be happy."Daryl hugged her.
"I can't ask you to leave the life you've built behind...not for me. "Winnie leaned into him
"Winnie there ain't no way we can return to Alexandria or the kingdom and staying at the Hilltop too long will mean more trouble for them." Daryl tells her "We ain't got much of a choice."

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