Guy with the carved smile

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Your POV
"Hell awaits." I said while slitting the blonde girls throat. She falls in my arms and I carefully set her down. I put her hands on her stomach and put the bloody roses in her hands. I write words on the walls and then grab hold of my rose twisted knife. I use my knife to cut X's on her eyes and a frown on her face. I stand back and look at the sight in front of me.
Beautiful. All of it. Beautiful. All the anger built up is now gone. It's a really nice feeling. The end result of that anger is the best result though. It's all beautiful.
I quickly hop out the window and run into the forest. I love the forest. I also love the blood and screams of my victims. It makes me happy. It releases all of the anger I held towards my father. What he did to me when I was 12 was horrible. He abandoned me. He wanted me to have a "normal life". Well, look how that turned out. I am a murderer. The best, actually. I haven't been caught by the police yet. The first person I killed was when I was 13. 3 Years and they still haven't even got a lead. I'm that good.
I continue running and start again with looking for my father.
I run for about an hour before I run into some guy.
"Shit." I say while I fall to the ground. I get up and face the guy I ran into.
"At least you could say sorry." He hisses at me. Really?!? We ran into each other. Who the hell does this guy think he is? It doesn't matter anyway you were going to kill him.
"Wrong choice of words to a person who has a knife." I hiss back. I look him up and down in a sassy way. He is wearing black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a.....blood stained hoodie?
"What do you like what you see? 'cause if you do take it in now before I kill you." He says with a smirk. This guy has a weird attitude....and face. He had what looks like a carved in face and lidless eyes. It was beautiful, but creepy at the same time.
"It could be better,but you have it wrong. It's me who is going to kill you." I say with a smirk also.
"What.Did.You.Just.Say?" He asked looking pissed.
What is this guys deal? Is he autistic or just stupid? Either way he is getting on my nerves.
"I just said tha-" I was cut off by sirens in the distance. Crap. The po-po.
"What the hell? Did you have to bring the fucking cops?!?" He yells at me.
"Why is this being blamed on me? You brought them!" I yell back.
"Fuck you. I will kill you later. For now follow me." He hisses.
"Wow eager much?" I mutter. I follow him as we run in the opposite direction from the cops.
We were running for about 5 minutes before we found out cops were coming from all sides of us.
"Shit." I whisper yell. I search my mind for ideas. Then I get one.
"Do you know how to climb a tree?" I ask in a whisper.
"What?" He asks looking confused. He is definitely stupid.
"Do you know how to climb a fucking tree?" I ask again but a little more irritated.
"Yes." He says as he finally understands and starts to climb a tree. I reach down and grab a rock. I then start climbing with him. I sit one branch lower then him. The cops walk right under us. I grab the rock I had and look up at Jeff. He points at a direction to throw it and I listen. All the cops look that way and start running. We start to climb down, but Jeff missteps and we start to fall. Somehow I end up on top of him.
"I like this position." He says with a smirk. Creep.....
"Weirdo." I say while trying to get up. He pulls me back down and flips us both to where he is on top of me.
"I change my mind I like this position better." He says with an even wider smirk. I gotta say this was pretty nice. Wait. What did I just think? Forget you heard that.
"Hmmm....Nah I liked the other one." I say. I quickly push him off of me and get up. I pull my knife back out and get in an attacking stance again. He gets up and looks at me.
"You can put that away. My name is Jeff." He says. I hesitantly put my knife in my back pocket and stand normally.
"Kathryn." I say. He starts to walk away and I catch up to him.
"Wait." I say while grabbing his arm to make him stop. He looks at my hand on his arm and then at me.
"What?" He asks looking a bit angry. Why is he mad? Did I do something? I just want to ask something.
"Do you live in here?" I ask. I just want to know if there is a chance I might run into him again. I hope I do....WAIT WHAT?!?! FORGET YOU HEARD THAT TOO!
".....Yes." He says while walking again. I release my hand from his arm and watch him walk away.
I walk the other way with a smile.
I'm glad I'm not alone anymore.

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