Family War

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                                     I found him. I found him. This is where he has been hiding. Here in this big mansion. I found him. I've been searching for 4 years. I finally found him.

                                    My father.

                                     I stand there in shock, confusion, and anger. He was here the whole time?!?! He was right behind her?!?! He didn't even try and look for her, he just hid! He hid. He is a coward. A fucking coward.

                                     "K-Kathryn, my dear. How did-" He started talking, but I cut him off. He doesn't deserve to call me by my real name. He doesn't deserve to be alive.

                                    "DON'T call me that! How could you do?" I yell at him, my body filling with rage.

                                    "I did it to help you." He sighs and looks down on me. Of fucking course! I knew that would be his answer! He did it to "help" me. He is a fucking liar. He should've known that this is what I would've became. A monster.

                                     "Yeah? Well, look where that got you! I am a monster! All because of you!" I yell. I walk up to him and look him straight in the eye, "You didn't deserve my mother. You abandoned me. I was 12 years old and you abandoned me. I felt useless and alone. I wish my mother never met you....."

                                     I could tell by the way his featureless face was staring at me that I hurt him. Good. He deserves it. Maybe he should've taken me with him instead of abandoning me and this wouldn't have happened.

                                      He sighs, "I am terribly sorry, child. I thought it would help you, but I guess it only made things worse. Please. Forgive me."

                                    You have got to be kidding me......I am NOT forgiving him. He fucking abandoned me! That douche! I'm gonna kill him.....THAT is what I'm going to do.....I WILL kill him....

                                    "I'm NOT going to forgive you. You left me and that hurt....a lot....All that respect and love I built up for you......Is lost......and I don't think it can come back after what you did...." I look away and frown. I know I won't be able to bring it back. It's already long gone. He would have to go to large measures to get it back.

                                      "I understand, but I am going to let you stay here with the other and I. We are just like you. You don't have to be alone anymore, child." He says sighing when he finishes.

                                      I don't know what to do. It probably isn't a good idea to stay with the person I hate.........but I don't have to be alone. I could meet people. I don't have to be broken anymore.....

                                     "Alright. I will stay. Just for a while..." I say with a defeated look. It wouldn't hurt to stay. It might be fun.

                                     "Alright, I will have someone show you the room." Slender says. I imagine him with a small smile. It sounded like he was smiling.

                                     "Cool...." I say with a shrug. I look around the small room and hear someone come near. They are about to enter the room. The presence feels familiar. VERY familiar.

                                     Then somebody came through the door. JEFF came through the door. So, he kept my father from me? That.......hurts.

                                     "J-Jeff? Why are you.......How did you........huh?" I am so confused and hurt right now. Why did he do that? For a second I thought he.....nevermind. Just nevermind. It was all a lie. All of it. A lie. Just like my father....

                                      I walk fast out of the house, making sure to slam the doors. He LIED to me. I trusted him and he LIED to me. I thought.....nevermind. It was a lie anyway...

                                     I can hear somebody running after me. It's Jeff, "Kathryn! Wait! Please! I didn't mean to keep him from you!"

                                    I abruptly stop and turn around, "You didn't mean to keep him from me?!?! Then what the hell were you meaning to do Jeff?!?! It sure as hell looks like you meant to keep him from me!"

                                    Jeff stands in front of me, "I just wanted to protect you! I didn't want you to get hurt!"

                                    I roll my eyes, "Well, you hurt me by keeping him away! You hurt me a lot..."

                                    Jeff just stared and then hugged me. I tensed at the sudden action. He put his face in my neck, "I'm sorry!"

                                  I just stood there, not knowing what to do. I've never been hugged by anyone but my mother and father before....but that was a long time ago. I don't know what to do.

                                  I hug him back. Was that the right move? I hope so.

                                  Jeff is way taller than me. Like, 2ft3in taller. He holds the side of my head and pulls away from the hug. I look at him and sniffle.

                                  He smiles and then something happens that I know my father will yell at me for,

                           Jeff kisses me.

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