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Kathryn's POV
It has been 1 week since the pizza date with Jeff. We have been meeting every day. I might have taking a liking to him. MIGHT have. The only bad thing is that he keeps distracting me from my search. It's almost as if he doesn't want me to look for my dad.....

Jeff and I are walking through the forest, talking.

"I have one! Why was the mushroom invited to the party?" I ask stifling my laughter.

Jeff looks at me funny, he raises an eyebrow, "I don't know."

"'Cause he was a fungi." I bust out in laughter. Jeff looks at me confused.

                  Jeff goes deep in thought, "I don't get it." I face palm. Then look at Jeff with a smirk, "Of course you don't. It's a joke for smart people."

               Jeff glares at me, "Just explain it to me."

               I throw her hands up in surrender, "Alright! A mushrooms are fungus. The singular word for fungus is fungi. Fungi sounds like fun guy. Get it?"
            Jeff face palms and mumbles, "You're an idiot."
             I gasp and push my hand to my heart, "Excuse me sir! I was the one who knew what the joke meant! You hurt me Jeff!" I point to my heart and close my eyes dramatically, "Right here Jeff..."

             Jeff rolls his eyes. He then plays along by coming to me and holding me like they do in plays when somebody is dieing, "Oh, Kathryn......Let me cure your heart with a......True loves kiss!"

             I laugh as he kisses my face. I try to push him off, "J-Jeff.....That tickles!"

            Jeff stops and lets me go while laughing. He then got a puppy dog face. It looked kind of weird do to his carved in smile, "Chu not wuv my kisses?"

              Oh.....My........God..........I'M GONNA CRY!!! It's so adorable...........I gotta do something!

            I jump on him, hugging him, "I wuv your kisses, Jeffy-Poo!" Jeff chuckles and holds me. He smirks.

                  "Of course you do. Who wouldn't?" Jeff says with his weird smirk. I groaned and tried to hop down, but Jeff kept his grip on me.

                 I sigh and lean back, making me do a back bend and Jeff lose his grip. I do a flip which makes me land on my feet out of Jeff's grip. I smirk at Jeff and bow.

                 He continues walking like a pissed kid. I laugh and walk with him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP!!! BROUGHT TO YOU BY CHEESECAKE!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                            I am at home alone now. Perfect. It's a wonderful time to continue my search for my father. When I left off I needed to search the deepest parts of the forest. He has to be there somewhere.

                           I get ready to leave. I pack a bag that contains: Food, water, an extra pair of clothes, shoes, my phone, and coloring books. Yeah that's right. I said coloring books. What if I get bored and take a break? Coloring books is the answer. Duh......

                         I start to walk deeper in the forest, quietly. If my father is here then I want to find him. NOT him find me. So, in order to do that, I need to be quiet and sneaky. I NEED to "talk" to my dad.

                         I pass a tree with a piece of paper on it. I walk up to the paper and grab it. On it is a picture of a VERY familiar looking guy. It's a picture of my dad. I guess this means I'm going the right way.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY A SHINY KNIFE!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                   I have been walking for 3 hours. I found 7 of those stupid notes. What do they even mean? Seriously, one of them has a circle with an 'X' in it. Is that his sign or something? My dad is so confusing.

                                  I start to sprint when I see a flash in front of me. I follow where it went. Maybe it's my dad? I hope it's my dad. We need to talk....

                                 I keep running in the direction of the flash. When I reach an abandoned looking mansion I stop. Is this the place my dad is hiding?  I guess this calls for an adventure inside an adventure!

                                I walk to the front door of the house. I look through the key hole, but all I see is a dark room. I use my knife to pick the lock. The door opens, creaking slightly. I slowly walk inside. I see another flash and stare towards it. This time I see the person I have been waiting to see for a LONG time.

My father.

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