CHAPTER 15:- Confornt

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The sun through the window slowly wakes me up. Man, this bed is comfy. But my stomach, oh my god, it feels like it's going to explode any day now. I slowly sit up, but what I see causes me to have a heart attack.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, looking down with his hand on his Ebrahim.

I don't dare make a sound, even though I'm dying eternally. How did he find me so fast.What if Zayn snitched? No, he wouldn't.

Me sitting up makes the bed squeak. Stupid bed. His head turns to me. I can see his darkeyes through his hair. He kind of looks like he hasn't slept. "Morning babe.." He says in a tired morning voice.

My palms start to get sweaty, "How -"

"You think I can't track the transactions on my credit card.."

Frick. Of course, why didn't i think of that.

"Now I don't even know where to begin." He sounds like he's controlling his anger. "I have to talk to my dumb cousin about serious matters all night, and when I go to see you to talk to you, you take my credit card and disappear with Zayn. With ZAYN?"

"He- he was just like Uber driver, I promise. I didn't have any other ride - "

"I don't care. And the fact that you ran away in the first place?!"

Wow, okay, there is a lot of tension in the air right now, and I don't like it. I notice a piece of lint on his shirt. So I reach to take it off.

He watches my hand and then makes a very confused look towards me.

"It was a piece of lint." I defend myself, but he still silently looks at me. "You know I have a lint roller, but it's at home...hey, maybe the hotel has a lint."

He cuts my important explanation off," Rida. Why did you leave? I did nothing but care for you."

Care for me? Wow, okay. If fake loving' me, getting me unwantingly pregnant, and cheating on me is caring for me now?"You cheated on me."

He looks at me as if I've said the most randomthing ever. "Cheated? Rida, what? I did not."

"Yes, you did. with Jenny." I feel the baby kicking my stomach, so I go to put my hand on it.

"Rida, are you okay?" He asks concerned formy stomach.

"Yes, I am." I don't need his pity.

"Rida, if it's about what Santos said, it was a long time ago."

"No. It's about her living in your penthouse."

His lips part a little. As if...he's been caught.

"No, no. For once, I trusted you. But I guess I made a mistake - " I grab my stomach in pain." Ow the baby."

Ebrahim frantically grabs my arms. "Is it coming.Now?"

"Yeah, let's go now." I cry as Ebrahim helps me up to rush to the car.

"Mr. Kim, the baby can come any hour now. According to the results, the sudden pain could have possibly been induced by severe stress. So please keep her stress levels as low as possible." The doctor says to Ebrahim at the side of the room, assuming that I can't hear them. This hospital bed is highly uncomfortable.

Ebrahim walks up to me. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?"

I move my head the other way, "No."

"Rizz, you haven't eaten anything yet." He pleads.

"I don't care. I'm not hungry."

"Fine." He walks out the door and leaves.Wonder where he's going, probably to cheat on me again. I huff to myself.

I can see the literal skin on my stomach
move. Subhanallah. It's weird, I can't believe I have an actual human inside me. It's funny that I would've been in my university by now. It was my biggest dream to study, to become independent. But here I am, stuck with this random guy who's baby I'm carrying. Sigh.

The door opens, revealing Ebrahim, holding a tray filled with food. "Now I didn't know what you were carving, so I brought a bit of everything." He brings me the tray. It has a variety of tarts, sandwiches, and other random stuff.

"Ebrahim, I'm not gonna eat all this."

"Then don't eat as much as you can though, please."

Well, I am hungry. Ebrahim goes to the side couch and starts working on his laptop. This hospital food isn't as bad as I thought. I'm kind of surprised why Ebrahim hasn't mentioned Zayn yet, I thought he'd be pissed. Or maybe he's waiting till after the baby since the doctor said not to stress me.

My screams and the baby's cries fill the room just after I give birth. Ebrahim is still holding my hand as tight as he was as soon as I went into labor, reciting Duaas to soothe me.

"You did it. You did it!" Ebrahim kisses my forehead as I catch my breath. The nurses bring me tiny Yusuf. Still crying, I placed him on my chest. Instantly, it was all worth it. This is the most love I've ever felt. This is my baby,like mine. I can't believe it. Ebrahim is brushing his fingers through my hair. I don't know if I'm seeing things right, but I think I just saw a tear in Ebrahim eyes. Kim Ebrahim. Crying.Shocking.

I see Ebrahim staring at the baby, "Here, hold him."

"No, it's okay, you can hold him as long as you want."

"Ebrahim, it's okay, here." He holds the baby as carefully as he can. It's cute seeing him trying to be gentle. "He definitely has your nose." I giggle.

"He definitely has your cheeks." He says back."I need to fill out his name form. So Kim Yusuf, right?


"I was thinking I could add a middle name."He asks.

"Go for it, I chose the first so you can choose the middle." With that, he hands me the baby to leave.

I just can't get enough of Yusuf. How can baby's skin be so soft, how can a human be so small.

He returns, "The nurses said everything's perfect and healthy, so we can leave." He puts a baby carrier on the floor, "By the way, I got all the baby equipment and got Agnus to go order some things. If you need to buy anything else at all,just let me know."

"Mm." I stare down at Yusuf. Maybe I did want a baby.

Hello readers! How are you? Hope you are doing well?btw, guys, if you don't agree with some parts of the book, it's okay. Not everything'sgonna match your liking, or make sense to you <3

Love from Rukhsaar ♡

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