CHAPTER 17:- Happy

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I'm brushing through my hair after taking a shower and feeding Yusuf because I got
absolutely drenched in rain when Yusuf bursts out crying in the other room. I had just gotten him to sleep, and it was getting late.

I head to walk out the door, but Ebrahim's arm stops me midway, "You go to bed and get.

"But what ab-"

"You did the giving birth part, I do the staying up all night caring for him part." He kissed my forehead. "Good night, love." He heads toYusuf.

My eyes are practically closing to I jump straight into bed and knock out.

"Ebrahim, he can't eat that." I scold Ebrahim he tries giving Yusuf a piece of scrambled egg.

"Why not?" Ebrahim asks obliviously.

"Because at this age, they can only drink milk from their mom. Now give him here to me."I take Yusuf from him as we continue eating breakfast at the dining table.

It has occurred to me that Ebrahim doesn't know much about babies. But I did once catch him doing research about them. So, at least he's trying.

"Okay, I'm running a little late, so I should get going." Ebrahim stands up to button his suit. "But I want to hold my bud one more time." He takes Yusuf from me.

After holding him for a moment, I hear a tiny burp from Yusuf, and then worst comes to worst. Yusuf vomits all over Ebrahim suit."Holy..."

"No swearing around the baby!"

"But he literally just -"

"It doesn't matter. He's just a baby." I take Yusuf from Ebrahim, "You're just a baby right."I coo. "Now let's get you all cleaned up." I boop Yusuf's nose.

"Hey, what about me?" Ebrahim says as he fakes frowns.

"You can do it yourself, go before you get late." I turn to Yusuf, "Cant Daddy gets himself cleaned up." And I carry him to the nursery.

I change the baby's diaper after I get him cleaned up. I feel an arm around my waste and squeak because I'm ticklish. "Ebrahim." I whine.

"So here's the suspect who ruined my clothes." He points," Yusuf takes Ebrahim's finger using his tiny hands and shoves it in his mouth. "Oh no, now I'm getting eaten alive by it.

I laugh before Ebrahim softly kisses my cheek. "I'll see you tonight." And with that, he leaves for work. I feel butterflies erupt just like the good old days.

"Your daddy drives me crazy." I whisper to Yusuf, who is preoccupied with chewing on his own foot.

I'm laying on the sun chairs outside just as Agnus walks out, " Rida, your package is available to pick up at the mall."

"That's good, I also want to do some shopping for the baby. Do you think we'd be able to go to the mall together?"

"Well, you can try asking Ebrahim on the phone, I'm sure he'd probably listen to you." She suggests.

"Okay I'l do that." Agnus hands me her phone.

It rings for a bit, and eventually, Ebrahim answers."Can I go to the mall?"

"Oh, it's you, Rida." He says happily. "And why do you need to?"

"For the baby," I say slowly. "Please."

He pauses for a bit. "If I was free, I'd take you myself, but there's a ton of issues to deal with at work. But you can go as long as you're with Agnus-."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Im so excited to finally go shopping.

"And you'll have assigned guards escort you. Got it?"

"Mm, okay, bye!" I say in a hurry.

"Be safe, okay? Love you. " The call ends, and I go to get Yusuf and myself ready.

A security guard holds all my bags for meas. I push Yusuf in his stroller. Not just any security guard, it's Fredrick, a.k.a. Baldy. I'm still holding that grudge on him for my nikkah day. Like, who does he think he is.Well, he is nice. At the end of the day, he was doing his job. But still.

Anyway, It feels so nice to be out and not it being running away. It also feels nice to know that I don't have a spending limit. My family wasn't the most comfortable. We struggled with money. In the way that I was never able to buy the clothes or toys that other kids had.

"Would this fit Yusuf?" I show Agnus a shirt.

"That might run a little large, although it is nice."

"Yeah, true. I can't wait for him to grow up so I can style him."


I love her with every inch of my body. I v never loved anyone before. Not even my parents, maybe because of the type of people they were. But Rida is my first love. I can't believe I could ever love anyone. And here I am, loving two. Rida and my little man, Yusuf. I feel a part of me in him. Every time I look at him, I see Rida. My Rida.

I entered the board room for the meeting and got the laptop started up. "Good morning, boss." Richard greets me.

"Good morning."

We proceed to the meeting, and I end it quickly so that I can surprise Rida at them all.

I spotted Rida since I had Agnus text me the location. I creep up from behind her and grab her. She almost screams but sees that it's just me. "Ebrahim needs to stop doing that. You actually scared me."

I kiss her hand, "Okay, I won't." I see that Yusuf's sleeping. "Let's go eat something."

I ordered a coffee as Rida orders pancakes.. At 1 pm. But she claims that they can be eaten at any time and she is right about everything, so I let it slide.

I notice Rida excessively smiling at me. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It makes me feel almost mushy inside. In a museum full of art, I'd only stare at her. But it is rare for her to do so. "What?" I laugh.

She smiles to her herself as she takes a bite of her food. "Nothing." I will be on my knees for her if she wants. All she has to do is ask.

"You're beautiful, Rizz." I can't help myself.

She rolls her eyes. I also love it when she does that. "It's just that you're wearing my scrunchie." She says happily.

I look to my wrist at the pink hair tie. "It's to always have a piece of you with me." I say proudly.

She cocks her head to the side. "Really?" She hums.

"No it's just to keep my hair out of my face." I joke.

She playfully hits my arm.

"Im kidding" I defend my self.

The waiter clears up our table as I take out a box from my pocket. "Here." I give it to.

"What is it?" She opens it. Her confusion is quickly replaced with excitement as she gasps.

"Happy Mother's day babe. For being the best mother to Yusuf and being the worlds best wife." I take her hand to help her put on the diamond bracelet. "Although everyday is mother's day, I just wanted to recognize it for you today."

"I love it." She stares at it in awe.

"And I love you." I just want to bite her, she's so cute. Not literally bite her so calm down.

I stare at her just as Yusuf begins to cry. Rida tries to get him but I stop her, "I got it." I take him out of the stroller and give him unlimited kisses.

I hold him up to the sky as he scrunches histiny legs. Alhamdulillah for my family.

Hello readers, I mention them praying sometimes, but remember they pray all their salahs, but I just don't mention it sometimes.This is your reminder to go pray. Prayer is the first thing you'll be asked about on the day of judgment. According to the prophet, the thing that separates a believer and disbeliever is prayer.Any who, I've got some juicy parts coming ur way soon.

Love from Rukhsaar ♡

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