CHAPTER 14:- Goodnight

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Someone opens the bedroom door, I expect it to be Ebrahim, but it's Agnus.

"Hey.." I let out.

"Hello dear. How was the appointment?"

"The usual, good. Alhamdulillah." I fidget with the end of my t-shirt.

"Is something bothering you, Rida?" She asks, slightly concerned.

"Who's Jenny?" I say straight up.

Agnus looks, takes a back, and starts cleaning her throat. "Uh, what do you mean?"

"I know it's Ebrahim's ex. But can you tell me when they last dated?"

Agnus sighs. "It was right before he converted, a little after too. But he definitely realized his mistake. It was nothing."


She looks at me, "They were very close. She practicaly lived here. They were on each other 24/7. But of course, he wasn't as crazy for her as he is for you. He would mostly beat work, and the little moments he wasn't, she was all over him."

I look off to a distance, ignoring my hint of jealousy. Agnus comes closer to me.

"Rida. You know Ebrahim wasn't the best person before. His childhood was rough."

That annoys me, "Well, that isn't an excuse to go sleeping around with girls. I don't care if he changed now. How is it possible for him to change that much?"

"It happens. And I've seen it happen when you came into his life." I can tell she is just trying to comfort me.

"Where is she. Where's Jenny now?"

Agnus pauses for a bit, but I gently squeeze her hands. "Agnus, where is she?"

"She-she's. Ebrahim, well, um." She clears her throat, "she's living in Ebrahim's other penthouse."
My heart drops. This whole time, I thought just maybe I was too harsh on him and that he loved me more than anything. But no. He's keeping a girl in his other house.That's it, no more chances for him. That back stabbing idiot, not to mention kidnapper and emotional manipulator.

"Agnus, I just need a little favor. I've never asked you for anything important, but I do now. Please give me Jenny's address."

Her eyes widen, "Rida, I'm sorry, but I can't. Mr. Kim is my boss." She brushes my arm."Just forget about it and get some sleep. I'l make you waffles in the morning."

I look down in defeat as she leaves. I get up and grab my jilbab. My life couldn't get any worse, might as well make the most of it. I quietly head downstairs as I hear arguing coming from the living room. I find Ebrahim's office and try opening the door. Locked. Ofcourse. Wait a second, I still have the keycard Agnus gave me this morning to open the garage. It definitely works on all the doors. So I tried it.

Beep. I think it worked, so I tried the door handle again. And thank god the door opens right up. His office gave me flash backs.I I was forced to do my nikkah here. I feel shivers down my spine. Mostly angery shivers.

His office is big and organized. with color coded files and everything. I go up to his desk and start opening random drawers. What exactly am I looking for. Pent house address.

I can't find anything. So I turned to his labeled book shelf instead. I read Gun registrations,Equipment Stocks, Warehouse Locations, and Personal Properties. Bingo.

I open the binder and flip through the pages.There are 9 mansion addresses with details, 7 apartments, and only 1 penthouse. Exactly what I'm looking for. I rip that page out and head to the garage.

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