CHAPTER 8:- Bathroom Break

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We arrive at the beach and head towards a bench facing the ocean. My heart is practically beating through my chest at this point. I haven't said a word to him yet. It's not like I can. My voice would definitely come out wobbly. We sit on the bench as he puts his arm behind me on the bench. The sunset is beautiful.

I look towards his face as he looks at the sky. His jawline is amazing. Rida, snap out of it. I subtly look at my surroundings. There is a bathroom building near the back, and behind that is the parking lot we came from, and behind that is a plaza of restaurants.Okay, since you can't see the bathroom from this angle, it's perfect. Someone kissing my hand catches my attention. It's Ebrahim, sending a tingly feeling down my body. "What's wrong?" He questions nicely.

"Oh I, it's just that I need to use the bathroom.." I reply as confident as I can.

"Okay, I'll take you, come -"

"Oh no, it's okay, the bathrooms right there, I'l be just there and back." He doesn't seem to agree. So I got to do what I got to do, I grab his thigh.

"I'll be right back, Ebrahim." I smile. He smiles innocently as I get up to go to the bathroom. Man, why's he making me feel even more guilty.

I turn the corner to the bathroom entrance. He has no view of me. So that's when I run,more like speed walk. I go through the parking lot, looking back every now and then. I make it into the plaza. And see this shawarma shop. I head inside.

"Hello, welcome to Shawarma grill. How may I take your order?"

I catch my breath, "Hi," I see that his name tag reads Muhamad, "Assalamualaikum."

"Waalaikumusalam," he replies. He reminds me of my late father.

"So this is going to sound a little crazy, but I need you to trust me," I look around at other customers, "Can we uh, talk at the side?"

He looks concerned but assigns one of his employees at the register and leads me to a table at the side.

"I've been kidnapped." I state.

"What okay, do you want me to call 9-1-1?"

"Yes, but, but I'm scared. I just don't know what to do," I cry, "he's, he's powerful so I don't know what he will do."

"Breathe, Inshallah, it'll be okay," he assures me as he pours me a glass of water. He gets up and takes out his phone to call 9-1-1.

Ya Allah, please protect me. My knee is bouncing, and I anxiously tap my finger on the table as Muhamad is on the phone. He returns, "they are on their way, now just sit tight, it'll all be okay, okay?"

"Okay." My voice shakes. What have I done, Ebrahim will not be happy. I've heard multiple times about how even the police fear him. Let's just hope he's too late.

After a few moments, I hear sirens outside, and officers step out of their cars to come inside. "Right here, officer." Muhamad leads them to me.

"Im officer Mike, we have been told you've been kidnapped. Is that true, Ma'am?"


"Okay Ma'am, just follow me, it will all be okay. We will protect you." He takes me outside to a police car.

Another office greets me as I sit in the vehicle with the door open, "Hi, Im officer Leah, I will be asking you all the questions. Is that okay with you, darling?"

"Mhm." I say as I'm frantically looking around. Am I really safe now?

"So, how did it happen?"

"This, this guy came up to me one night and proposed to me, I rejected, but one of his guards put this smoke on me, which made me faint. I woke up at his house and wasn't allowed to leave..."

"Okay, do you know his name?Description?"

"Ebrahim, "

"Kim Ebrahim." I familiar voice finishes for me. My heart drops.

"I'll be taking it from here, officer," he shows the office this weird FBI looking badge, which makes the officer leave me. Oh no. I start gasping for air.

"Hey babe." He looks angry as he clenches his jaw. He reaches to get me out.

"Let me go!" I struggle out of his grasp, but he's holding too hard. The officers begin to leave. Ebrahim is holding on to my fore arm with so much pressure, which causes tears to roll down my face.

The last officer to leave comes up to Ebrahim, offering his hand.

"Sir. Pleasure to work with you."

"Supervisor Samuel, pleasures all mine." He says with a firm handshake. As he leaves,Ebrahim turns to me. "Now, what did I say about this.."

The car ride back was silent. Ebrahim hand cuffed me just in case I tried to open the door or something. I could just feel the tension in the air.

He opens the front door and drags me in,shutting the door. I'm a centimeter away from him as he faces me, unlocking my handcuffs. He's being really slow with it, too.

He takes a deep breath, "Smart, you know. Use my own feelings against me. Just when I think we're getting close and that you might feel something for me, you run away. It's kind of dumb though...there is no escape from me,there isn't a place on this earth where I can't track you down."

Freaking idiot, "And I'll do it again." I state, instantly regretting it.

"Will you?" I feel the anger raise in his voice. I stay quiet.

"Well, it isn't like I'm here by choice, am I? You kidnap me, not to mention lie to my mother,forcefully marry me! I think I do have a reason to run!" I yell.

"The thing is," he grabs my wrists strongly,"I couldn't care less. I get. What I want. And how you feel is out of question!" His voice gets louder.

"Don't touch me!" I scream as I free my wrists, pushing his chest away.

"And what are you gonna do if I do? You can't do anything!"

"I hate you, I hate you so much, and I will forever hate you. You evil, self-centred loser!" I storm off, not letting him say anything. I wipe my tears as much as I can, but it's too much.

I run to a random room, go into the closet,and sob my heart out. Eventually, I'm going to sleep.

I yawn as the sunshine wakes me up. Groggily looking at my surroundings. Im sitting on a bed, not my bed, though. Then I remember last night, my legs ached from running. The argument and me coming into this random room. Wait, but I didn't sleep on the bed. My attention goes to Agnus entering the room with a tray.

"Good morning sunshine, here's some Chai.You had a rough day yesterday."

I realize that I'm not wearing my Jilbab. Just a t-shirt with sweats. "How did I get here..."

"This is one of the guest rooms you went into last night. Upon returning from the mosque, Mr. Kim found you in the closet here. So he picked you up and tucked you into bed here."

He must've changed me too, but why? I thought he would've hated me by now. "Doe she hate me?" I say slowly.

Agnus laughs like it's the funniest things she ever heard, "Hate? And you? Impossible. He's in love with you, dear, in love. I've known him since he was a child, and the way he is so different when it comes to you shocks me. He worked all day, never smiled, and with you? He messes up his schedule for you. He smiles with you. He does things I could never imagine him doing."

Hello readers,How are you all? Hope you're doing well?If you like this one, stay tuned for the next episode.

Love from Rukhsaar♡

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