Just as Good a Witch (Eda x Reader)

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Requested by SteveXBuckylove24
The reader in this story is over 21.

It was a dream come true for (Y/n). The Boiling Isles! A place where they could finally belong and be surrounded by people like them! Well, more so than the human realm anyways. (Y/n) themself was a practicing pagan witch but was often criticized for their hobby. They weren't alone though. Many pagan witches felt they were born in the wrong world. But that didn't matter right now.

(Y/n) nervously sat behind their partner, Eda the owl lady on Owlbert, the two flying to Hexside school. Though the place was intended for growing students, the school developed a special program to help citizens of the Isles freshen up their magic skills after the fall of Belos. When you suddenly have the ability to use all forms of magic again after so long, the freedom can be overwhelming and chaotic.

Eda landed and helped her lover off her staff. "Now don't you worry about a thing pumpkin." said Eda brushing (Y/n)'s shoulders and fixing their hair. "You'll do great tonight." The human witch gulped and smiled softly. "I hope so." "Hey, listen. Just because a few things went wrong in the past, that doesn't mean you haven't changed since then. Mistakes are what make us grow, as much as they hurt sometimes. Now, go get 'em tiger." said Eda slapping their ass, causing them to be pushed toward the entrance. "Oh!" (Y/n) blushed surprised and waved Eda goodbye. The owl lady then crossed her arms and smiled as they disappeared into the school.

(Y/n) took a deep breath and grabbed their books from their locker. 'Today's another day." The pagan witch walked off, causing their locker to close its mouth. "Today you are a new you. Today-'


(Y/n) dropped their books and immediately dove down to clean up the mess. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" "It's ok." said a friendly voice as a second hand reached for a book. (Y/n) looked up to be greeted with a seventeen year-old Luz.
"Luz!" "Haha yup." "Oh wow you've gotten so big, how are you?" The latina grabbed three more books and stood up, (Y/n) following suit. "I'm great! Turning eighteen in a few weeks and lately I've just been focusing on myself and recovering from, events ya know." "That's good. Anyway I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump-"

Luz chuckled. "Hey hey hey, it's ok, really." she said handing (Y/n) their books. "Golly you look nervous today. What's eating ya?" said Luz as the two began walking to class. (Y/n) sighed. "The magic show is tonight and everyone my age is going to be showing off what they've been working on. Eda is gonna be there too. I just don't wanna mess things up." Luz smiled softly at their friend and patted their shoulder. "Hey, you'll do great. Whatever it is you do." The two arrived at Luz's first class and the human regretfully waved goodbye. "I'll see you later (Y/n). Good luck!..."

And so, (Y/n) walked to their first class of the day, abominations.

The human entered room fifty six and sat down at their usual spot, taking out their books and preparing for the lesson. A pale abomination carrying a small demon entered the classroom, and stood in front of the chalkboard. "Good morning class." said none other than Professor Hermonculus. "I am very excited to see what you've all been preparing for this evening's performance. Now, to get started I want everyone to summon their abomination and command them to perform the simple tasks I write on the board."

(Y/n) gulped and delicately placed an abomination glyph into their pot. Pressing it quickly, the thick goop grew and grew at an inconsistent pace, the substance bubbling loudly in the process. Sweating, (Y/n) looked around and saw other witches successfully create their abomination. Before they knew it, Hermonculus turned around and addressed the class. "Oh what lovely and flawless creations! It's good to see SOME folk take the practice seriously." The professor eventually turned to (Y/n) and raised a brow. "And what is this?"

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