Special. The Withered Flower

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Mimi's POV

I was always.. shorter than other kids?

Like right now I'm 4'0...

I was also born smarter than other kids and more calmer.

Rumors spread that I was so calm that if my whole family died I would chuckle it off.

Which is NOT true.

One day I was taking a walk in the garden when all of a sudden I could hear light footsteps.

That's basically all I heard before I blacked out.


Couple hours later


I woke up and into my surprise I found myself inside a huge medal cage.

Like those ones you find in prison?

Anyways me and another girl were in the cage.

A couple minutes later I found the same guy who kidnapped me.

Needless to say I was freaked out, not by him surprisingly kidnapping me, but how hideous he was.

Seriously has this guy ever thought of makeup??

Wait, no the makeup here is atrocious..

Without me noticing the old guy went and pressed his face on the bars. "You girls will make such good playtoys~" the guy said creepily.

A couple days later

Over the course of a few days I learned the girls name 'luna' and she had a plushie form.

I also learned that the guy was a absolute CREEP!!

It should have been obvious from the start though..

One day a boy around the same age as us came up and freed us.

"Goodbye now." The guy who looked like he was on the verge of falling asleep said as he started to walk away.

"Wait!! Can we come with you? We have nowhere to go and we.. kinda need a place to stay.. if its okay with you?" I say as politely as I could.

"..I also don't have anywhere to go either, so.." The guy said.

"Well we'll go with you. It's not a choice." Luna said as she left.


We left a couple days ago and are now surviving on our own, so we are looking for a place to stay!

I also learned the guys name was Ian and he was such a sleepyhead.

Seriously did you just recover from insomnia or something?

But he doesn't complain so it's ok I guess..

One day we were walking around the neighbourhood when Ian stopped infront of a fancy house.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask.

"Let's go here" Ian said in a low whisper.

Why are you whispering?

Wait now that I think of this.. isn't this the FREAKING DUKEDOM???

"Isn't this a person's house though?" Me and Luna say in unison.

"It's fine, we'll go for a bit then leave." Ian reasured us as he jumped into the bushes.

We did the same because who knows?

Maybe we'll have a house??

A couple seconds later a little girl who looks to be about our age comes with a worried look, but that look changes into a surprise one when she sees us.

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