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"Han Juyeon! More power, you still sound weak!"
Yelled my dance trainer.

I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm sore, I'm everything.

Waking up at four am wasn't the smartest decision on my trainers part

I tried dancing the part again, while singing and it still sounded strained.

"Juyeon! You can't continue on like this! You're the main singer!"
Scolded my trainer.

All my teammates stared at me in pity, which is what I hated the most. Pity, it always made me feel worthless, like being so untalented that people just can't help but feel pity on you. I hate it.

Sighing in annoyance, my trainer announced,

"Alright, that's it for today, you have vocal class in an hour and Trainee 8 please stay back"

I froze in the middle of packing my bag.
The tag in front of me said my name, but at the back it said my number.

Number 8

Suddenly, 8 was no longer my favorite number.

Everyone shuffled out of the room, excited about the break they have.

The room was dead silent after they all left,

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see the soft eyes from my trainer.

"Yeonnie, I'm sorry, that must've been overwhelming for you right?"


Thats what my mom would call me, I teared up, looking up at my trainers eyes.

"I shouldn't have been so hard on you, it's just that because of your scholarship,I really wanted to make you tough for when you become a idol, still, I shouldn't have been so hard on you, you're just a kid."

(Henjin; everyone Stan the dance trainer ✊🏻✊🏻✊🏻)

She said before giving me a tight hug.

All the stress from class made me ball my eyes out on her shoulder.

She said, after pulling back.

"I still want you to improve, you have it in you, you didn't earn the scholarship for nothing. Right?"
She said with a motherly grin.

"Yes, of course"
I smiled back

"Great now go spend the rest of your break well."
She said, pushing me out of the dance room.

I smiled back cheekily. Scurrying of to the cafeteria


At the dorms:

Jeongin POV:

It's been a day since channie hyung said that we'd have more discussion at the dorms, but that discussion never really happened, I'm starting to wonder if he was just joki-



3rd person POV:

As everyone gathered in the living room, they all curiously looked at Chan, wondering what he'll say.

"Sorry about that kids, I had to discuss something with JYP."
He said with an apologetic smile.

"Anyways, it's decided that the hiatus will start next week."

"Wait really?"
Perked Jeongin.

"Yes, innie, next week, and we can stay in the hotel near JYP building if you want."

They all nodded excitedly, finally, a break after months of hard work.

"I'll order breakfast tomorrow, how does that sound?"

Seungmin said, making them makes noises in agreement to what he suggested.

"Kay, now go to sleep you zombies"



Helloooooo my lovesssss

How are you?
Hope you've enjoyed?


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