Chapter One

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The sheer glow of the street lights illuminate the back of Stiles' car. Darcus lays with his hands behind his head in the back. He scrunches his nose due to the burning sensation scorching through his nostrils. He sits himself up. Watching Stiles climb the roof to Scott's room window. Why didn't his brother just use the door? Stiles possesses a frail, pale and weak body. He doesn't understand why his brother would want to partake in such parkour activities that could result in injury. The idea that a dead body was found intrigued Stiles. What intrigued Darcus was why his brother would be interested in something like that. Alas, he would follow his brother to the ends of the Earth if he had to. Darcus slaps himself. A groan escapes him as he crashes into the back seat.

"Now is not the time for a nerdgasm." He rubs his hands along his face. He breathes in. Then lets out a breath.


Darcus pulls his jacket ends together to warm himself up as he, Scott and Stiles move towards the front gate of the preserve. He rolls his eyes at the sight of the side of the sign. According to the sign; it is forbidden for them and/or anyone to enter the preserve at night. Stiles holds up the gate and motions Darcus through. He walks under. Followed by Scott and then Stiles.

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott inquires for the like twentieth time since he was in roscoe. Darcus rolls his eyes in exasperation. Scott had asthma and a fear of literally everything. He baffled Darcus. The thought that he was braver and smarter than most of those older than him. Guess it is true what they say. Age truly is just a number. And maturity level depends on oneself.

"You're the one who always bitches that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles reminds him a bit of chastisement in his tone. Turning on his flashlight so they could see where they were heading. But Darcus agrees. Nothing really ever does happen in Beacon Hills. This was new. Exciting. Though not the half of a dead body part.

"I was trying to get a good night sleep before tomorrow..." Scott trails off as he follows behind Darcus and Stiles.

"Right, because, sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort." Stiles comments and is lightly slaps the back of his head for being insensitive. Stiles glowered at his younger brother. Rubbing the spot that was hit. Darcus looks back watching as Scott trudged up the hill.

"No, because... I'm playing this year. In fact I'm making first line..." Darcus gawks at him. Because that was surprising. So much for nothing ever happening in Beacon Hills.

"Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream. Even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles bites back with a false tone of brightness and joy. Darcus scrunches his nose.

"Not every thought needs to be voice, Mischief." Darcus interjects. He could not allow his brother to further downgrade Scott. Even if dreams was unrealistic. Stiles has no right to try and crush Scott's. "And by the way, which part of this body are we looking for?" Darcus is quick to change the subject. Aimlessly following closely behind Stiles.

"Huh... I didn't even think about that." Stiles admits after a silent pause seemingly filled the entirety of the forest. Not even the crickets dared to croak. Darcus comes a stop making Scott bump into him and Stiles to turn back to them.

"Unbelievable. Careless. Unforgiveable. Stupidity. Ignorant." He mutters out. Scott backs away. Stiles swallows. An invisible knot appearing in his throat. They knew what was to come next. This was the way Darcus chastised people. And Stiles was the current target. And the fuse known as Darcus would blow any minute now and Scott refused to be in the crossfire.

"Come on Darcy, give your bro a break. I'm not Einstein." Stiles defends himself and start moving again. Darcuse releases a breath. Scott waits and watches him. Observes as his fists unclench and he starts to follow his brother.

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