Chapter Two

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Darcus follows silently behind his brother. The brother that didn't plan out this great safari in a forest. The forest in which a dead body is laying around somewhere. He was still angry at the whole ordeal but Stiles is his older brother so Darcus finds it hard to be mad at him for long. Scott leaned up against the closest tree and Darcus notices his breathing was laboured. He stops crawling up the hill and moves over to him as he takes his inhaler out of his jacket pocket. He stands before Scott as he inhales the medicine twice.

"Maybe, the uh... severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight huh?" Scott suggests to Stiles as the group finally arrives over the hill of leaves. Flashlights could be seen in the clearing just ahead as the boys all drop to the ground. Darcus looks up ahead to identify the police officers searching. He turns and gives Stiles a look. Stiles rushes to bury his own flashlight in the leaves upon realizing that it won't turn off.

"Wait, come on." Stiles excitedly grabbed Darcus' hand and pulled him up from the crouch as the boys start running closer to the trees. Scott wasn't far behind as he tumbled through the trees. Scott chooses to call out to Stiles making him stop and turn to look at him. Darcus swiftly moves behind Stiles as the police dog starts barking at them.

"Stay right there.!" An officer commands as Darcus rolls his eyes.

"Does it look like we're moving.?" He gives the officer a tone filled with annoyance. The officer goes to chastise him.

"Hang on, hang on... These little delinquents belong to me." Darcus eyes widen with a grimace at the loud familiar voice as he curses himself for being caught. Stiles tries to gather his bearings as the rain falls into his eyes.

"Dad, how you doing?" Stiles greets their father. Darcus finds himself scoffing at the choice of words and mentally cringes at the feeling of his wet hair clinging to his face.

"So, do you, uh, listen in to all my phone calls?" 

"No, heh." Stiles quickly denies before pausing briefly. "Well, not the boring ones." The sheriff nods in thought and turns to Darcus.

"I'm to assume you're here because you wanted to tag along.?" Darcus curtly nods his head. "And... uh... where's your usual partner in crime?" Noah inquires whilst looking around at the nearby trees.

"Who, Scott?" Stiles asks to clarify. "Sc-Scott's home. He said he wanted to... get a good night's sleep for first day back at school tomorrow." He responds whilst trying to catch his breath. "It's just me... And Darcy... In the woods. Just us." Noah turns his flashlight to the woods to get a better look.

"Scott, you out there?" Noah projects his voice making Darcus cover his ears. "Scott?" He sighs and turns the flashlight off. "Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car." Noah starts as he grabs the back of Stiles neck. As Darcus silently trails behind them. "And, you and I are gonna have a conversation about two things; Invasion of Privacy and Big Brother Instinct."

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