Chapter Three

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Stiles and Darcus confront Scott the next day at school. Scott had texted last night about getting bit by some wild animal. Darcus stares out at the school grounds as students pass by to get into the school halls. And whilst he isn't keen on Scott showing some sort of bite mark in front of everyone, Stiles on the other hand is persistent. Scott raised one of the edges of his shirt. Darcus examined it closely with his eyes and saw the bite shaped mark on Scott's side. He scrunches his nose at the red and oozing sore. Luckily, it was mostly covered with a gauze pad. Scott pushes down the edge of his shirt and takes his bag from Darcus and hangs it over his back.

"It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf." Scott comments. Stiles chuckles unbelievingly and even Darcus is a bit skeptical. He just hopes this 'bite' wasn't infected. Scott looks at the two with confusion as to why they're looking at him like he's a crazy person.

"A wolf bit you?" Stiles inquires both skeptical and unbelieving. "No, not a chance." He continues amused.

"I heard a wolf howling." Scott adds. Hoping to justify his theory.

"No you didn't" Stiles insisted as he shook his head.

"What do you mean I didn't, how do you know what I heard?"

"Because... California hasn't had wolves for like sixty years, Scott." Darcus interjects, as they started walking towards the front of the school.


"Yes, really. Look, there are no wolves in California." Stiles supports Darcus' claim.

"Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe when I tell you I found the body." Scott tells both of them tauntingly. Stiles and Darcus both stop and turn to Scott.

"Are you kidding me?" Stiles asks excitedly as Scott grins at his accomplishment to stop them both in their tracks.

"I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month!"

"That is freaking awesome! I mean, seriously, it's the best thing that ever happened in this town, since... the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey Lydia! You look... like you're gonna ignore me." Stiles trailed off as the strawberry blonde girl walked passed them. "You're the cause of this, you know?" He said to Scott as they all started walking into the school.

"Huh...?" Scott asks.

"You're dragging me down your nerd depth! I'm a nerd by association." Stiles insisted as they walked into the school. Darcus rolls his eyes at his brother.

"If anything it's the other way around." He mutters and walks ahead of them. Stiles looks at his brother, betrayed. Then back at Scott.

"Did he...?" Scott nods and smiles.

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