chapter 11

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"I met Kyungsoo there", Namjoon said as he ate his breakfast.

" That Kyungsoo?",Jungkook's eyes grew wider.I put the platter of toasts on the table and sat to have my breakfast.

"What did he say?", Taehyung asked.

" We were just talking normally!",Joon
smiled, zoning out.

"Are you by any chance talking about Doh Kyungsoo?", my eyes lit up.Tae's expression was hilarious.

" What's so big deal about him?!",he scoffed.

"The biggest deal ever!", I gave a lopsided smile." He's from Exo after all!",I blushed.

"Do you have a crush on him?Do you have a crush on Chanyeol or Suho?Do you consider yourself an Arm-xol like Kaienathsshi?", Jungkook said at one go and that left him panting.

" Relax man.I'm right here!",I gave him water.

"I have a petite crush on Kyungsoo,Chan,
Sehun,and Suho.I'm an Army but I really like Exo!", I giggled.

" Don't call him Chan. His name is Chanyeol and you don’t know him in person.So, don't call him Chan! ",Tae told me coldly.I don't know why but he seems to be annoyed.

" Relax man.He won't steal her from you!",Jungkook muttered. Tae was flushed.

"Why are you insecure?!", I laughed as Namjoon cleared his throat.

" WHO's Kaienath-sshi? ",I asked.The name rings a bell though.

" That K-Pop reunion 2021,remember? A commoner lived-",I cut Jungkook off.

"Oh yeah yeah!It rings a bell!", I smiled.

" Speaking of her,I miss her.It's been so long since we last met",Jungkook ate.

"When was the last time you met her?", I was curious.

" 2 years ago",he blinked back the tears.

"Woah!That's so long ago", I murmured.

" I knocked her a few days back.She is having fun",Jin sighed.

"Having fun with Chanyeol and Exo in the united states ", Namjoon looked at Jin.He looked so serious.

" Heard from Kyungsoo.He couldn’t go there to have fun",Namjoon pushed his plate aside as if he lost his appetite.

"I heard from Felix that they all went to her homeland back in 2022!",Jimin smiled.

"Chanyeol too went.It was the biggest news headline of all times in Bangladesh! ", I said.

" After they came back to Korea, people went crazy.She was in every news headline.!Damn,she later didn't come back to Bangladesh for a year!",I laughed as I was reminded of it.

"Are you still infatuated by her?", Jin nudged Namjoon.

What? There were rumors about her and Chanyeol, her and Eunwo and her and Felix but this....

" Ani!",Namjoon chuckled.

"What about you?", Jin asked Tae.My jaw dropped as Tae shook his head.

" Did you two....?",I looked at Tae and Namjoon.

"I am completely over her!", Tae smiled warmly at me for the first time ever.Hearing him say was a relief!

" Namjoon doesn’t seem fine ",I smiled.

" Aniya, I'm really over her.Taehyung loved her even more.I just liked her. If he was able to move on, why can't I?",Joon
had a point.

"Be happy", Jin gave juice to Tae and then Joon.

" She is so lucky. Two stars fell for her!",I clapped my hands.

"It only seems exciting in the movies.Do you know how hard it was for the three of us?", Namjoon was serious.

" Sorry".

"It's okay ", Namjoon got up and went upstairs.

" Are you sure he's over her?",I asked Tae.

"You know what,first love is always precious. He is just a bit upset, I think.Nothing more.As far as I know,he's entirely over her", Tae looked at the empty chair where Joon had sat a while ago.

" What about you?Do you still feel anything for her?",I was feeling jealous.

"Nope but I don't hate her.I've never came across any woman like her!", Tae
smiled to himself.

" Stop investigating, Madame. He's over her.You shouldn’t worry!",Jungkook pinched my cheek and I was flushed.

Everyone laughed except Taehyung.Was it too obvious?My jealousy?

What's so special about her?

"Let's hit her up someday?", Hobi asked.

" She will literally cry, hugging me!",Kook

"Okay, okay.Now stop talking about her!She's having fun in my dream country.Don't send these petty telepathic messages to her!", I rolled my eyes.

" Aii,look at you being jealous!",Jimin teased.

"Whatever! ", I shoved a whole bread toast and choked on it.Yoongi rubbed my back as Tae gave me water.

" It's your fault to shove it like that.Still,I decided to do you the favor",Yoongi murmured.I hit his hand slightly.

"Meanie!", I said before drinking water.

"You shouldn't feel jealous with her! ", Tae whimpered.How caring!

" cus even if you do,you can't be her match",Tae gave me a tight smiled.I sneered.Everyone laughed.

"He's just teasing YOU! ", Jimin high fived Kookie.

" she saved our band.She was so selfless as a human being.I kinda miss her!",Suga smiled.

"Are you sure you’re not her relative or something? I mean, you both come from the same hometown!", Yoongi asked.

" There are more than 5.2 million people in Chittagong. How can you expect me to know everyone?!",I scoffed.

I saw Namjoon coming back from upstairs. He hurried to join us.

"Why are you still here?Go and study!", he told me.He gathered all the plates and took them to the kitchen.

" But I have to wash the dishes-",I was cut off.

"Your first priority should be your aspirations and goal!", he literally pushed me towards the staircase.

" Being a maid here is an optional thing to you!Go now",he half-yelled.

He is a kind man.I will forever be grateful to Namjoon for how he treated me. He keeps at night just to help me with mathematics.

He wakes me up in the morning right after sunrise.He keeps a track on my routine.He's the one spending on my books and copies.He helps me to make notes.Man,I can never ever repay him!

The guideline,the affection,the love I have received from him is priceless. When I'll be on the top of success, I'll tell the entire world how this man believed in me when no one did.I'm gonna tell the world how he was by my side,as a mentor.

I turned around and rushed to the kitchen again to see Namjoon and Tae working.I hurriedly hugged Namjoon and burst into tears.Tae's eyes grew wider.

"Oppa,thanks.Thanks for everything! ", I sobbed.

" Aiii!Don't say that.I expect a lot of things from you.I want to see you fly high in the sky!",he hugged me back warmly.

I pulled myself out of his hug and wiped my tears.I turned around,ready to rush to my study room.

I have to strive for my dreams and aspirations. I can't disappoint Namjoon.

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