50. s..stop !

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Hola readers....
Here is double update...

Hope you will like it ....

Just two more followers and i will be with 100 followers family ...

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Bye bye


Arohi is sleeping in her room while the dimple comes back to the mansion…

I was working on my laptop..
“There is something I don’t know about arohi about these five years”- ishaan mummer
I called someone…
“Hello”- I said
“Yes boss”- my guard said
“You didn’t tell me everything about arohi ?”- I asked
“Sorry sir but I give you every detail about three years”- he said
“She didn't live with Ravi’s uncle but why ? And why Ravi's uncle always said she is fine when she didn’t even live there”- ishaan asked
“Sorry I don’t know about it and even I tried to find it but there is no clue where she lived with whom and why “- he said
“Oke work on it”- I said and cut the call…

At that time when arohi left I was a kid and I couldn’t do anything but as soon as I completed my studies I sent my trustful man there to know the details of arohi .
I got to know that she moved from the Ravi uncle department and used to live in a rented apartment but my guard never found her in that apartment…
“Where was she ?
What happened with her?

It’s all a mystery to me but nothing is impossible now for me and I will find out her behaviour changed reason..
I know I didn’t listen to her five years ago and told her to go but it was for her safety and I’m sure it’s all related to los Vegas but what is it ..
I need to work on it”- ishaan thought while reading arohi files ..


“come in”- I said while my eyes were stuck in files..
I looked and saw karan had pluffy eyes and swollen lips…
“Karan”- I became worried and stood up when he came and hugged me while crying…
“karan what happened to the kid”- I asked him..
“dii s…she sl…slapped me i….i….j…just ….w…wanted….to….ta…talk ….to…..her”- karan while shuttering and hiccupping very badly….
“shuu it’s fine karan arohi is struggling with something “- ishaan said
“Struggling? Means bhai?”- karan asked while looking at him..
“I will tell you if you didn’t tell anyone “- ishaan asked and he nodded…
“arohi moved out from Ravi's uncle apartment 5 years ago and not even this she booked a apartment but never lived there…”- ishaan said
“w…what but then why did Ravi uncle used to say she is fine and happy “- karan asked
“I don’t know but we can’t ask her directly because whatever that matter will trouble arohi for sure…

She was not rude some situations made up her like this and we have to find it “- ishaan said and karan nodded
“come let’s sleep don’t cry anymore “- ishaan said while cleaning his tears ..
Karan put his head on the Ishaan lap and ishaan was carrying his hair and made her sleep…

Karan I know when arohi left you were the most devastated one and I also left you devastated more..

“I know arohi it was my fault but you were in danger here and I was a kid ..
I did what I thought was best for you but I promised to make you happy and back again”- he mummered and slept while sitting in the same posture…

“siddarth take care “- raghav said and hugged him
“Tell my sister oke”- he whispered and siddarth chuckled…
“sir we find out that someone is trying to dig in the arohi past…
Where was she ?
Why did she move out from Ravi's house ?
Why didn’t she live in her booked apartment?”- jack said while coming
“I knew he must be ishaan.
Arohi changed behaviour is noticeable and as much as I know him he will do anything to find out but don’t worry five years ago we made sure not to leave 0.5 clue of that day let them do their work but keep an eye on them”- raghav said
“We will take care there”- siddarth said
“mr. Choudhary is also coming to Rajasthan in a few days make sure to execute the plan and share it with arohi..
She has to fight this time without fear “- raghav said and everyone nodded..
“Come on bhai let us go or else we will be late.”- lavanya said and raghav Patten her head and kissed her forehead .
“take care of the princess “- he said and she chuckled…

They both seated in private jets and flew away…
“Jack goes to that Ravi and makes him understand everything..
I don’t want him to die or else he will not live alive anymore till today”-raghav said and Jack nodded and left

“Yug keep an eye on the ishaan personal guard “- raghav said and yug nodded and left…
“raghav you will take rest your hand is still injured”- Cristal said
“No Cristal I should keep an eye on our new enemy..
I don’t know why he attacked us even after knowing we are not. 1..
But whatever that new mafia group is smart and clever “- raghav said
“I said home right….now…”- she said while showing anger and he face palmed himself and agreed…
“fine let’s go”- he said and they both left …
They came in Mansion…
Cristal was treating his wound…
“raghav you still love arohi”- she asked…
“Nah… she is such a cute girl ..
We can’t force anyone to love us and that’s what I did..
I can’t put my feelings on her and let her feel that I love her …”- he said
“if someone likes you will you give that girl a chance?”- Cristal asked
“Means?”- he asked
“umm I ask casually “- Cristal said
“well it depends if that girl is arohi then I will give her a chance “- raghav said
“Um ohh oke”- Cristal said and she started going out of the room…

“if that girl arohi singhaniya “- raghav said
Cristal feet stopped and she turned while he was smiling..
“you mean!”- she asked
“Yes “- Cristal said
He opened his arms and Cristal hugged him so tightly…
“I love you I really do”- she said
“I love you too arohi singhaniya “- he said…

Lavanya and siddarth are driving towards the mansion..
“lavanya “- siddarth said
“yes”- she replied
“oke I will say straight forward..

Ahhh it’s so difficult “- siddarth said while whining..
“come on siddarth it’s just I love you”- she said
“Yah but … wait how you knees”- he asked while shocked…
“Because I do too”- she said and siddarth hugged her …
Both reached the mansion while talking and spending time together…
“you go I’m coming “- lavanya said and siddarth nodded…

I woke up and came to the kitchen while I heard the door opening sound..
I came and saw a male..
I was scared and held a knife quickly ..
“w…who a..are you”- I asked while he looked at me with a raised eyebrow

He started coming towards me and I was scared..
“im me and who you are”- he said
“S…stop there…
Guards help “- dimple shouted…

“Offo siddarth stop it don’t Make that poor soul scared “- lavanya said while siddarth started laughing .
“siddarth means you are arohi brother “- dimple asked
“Yes im”- he said while laughing…

Lavanya hit his shoulder..
“Let’s go inside”- she said
“Come I will make something for you too “- dimple said and started doing breakfast.....

Hola readers....
Hope you enjoyed
Share your ideas with me...



To be continued....

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