MacKenzie gets caught

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"Well you are surely right she came up and hit her first sorry ms.m you are  suspended for 6 days!!!" He said feeling relief for the first time he really got to say something like that to her.

Mackenzie got mad and  started slinging paper's  off the table and everything "she can't lie like she use to I'm just happy your safe I will always be there for you this is all my fault if I wouldn't have told you how I felt when I was going out with her and.................." Brandon said hugging Niki kissing her wipping the Scratch's off her legs"ssssss that burn I know you will always take care of me you are my dream I will take care of you too I missed you I didn't know what to do she  because she said you weren't here and(sniff)"Niki said beginning to cry as Brandon held her.

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