Chapter 24

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Rody POV:
(The next day, btw/ wensday)

I wake up to see that Vince isn't in bed. I yawn as I sit up and stretch
A bit.

I stand up, walking over to the bathroom, knowing that I should probably take a shower. Once I was in the bathroom, I saw Vince already in there brushing his teeth.

"Good morning," I say, smiling at him. After he finished brushing his teeth, he spoke, "Good morning, Rody," he says in a calm tone.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Have you taken one already?" I ask, noticing his change of clothes. "Yea, I have. I'll just make breakfast. After you are done showering, get ready for work."

"Alright, Vince!" I say as He leaves the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.




After I finished taking my shower, I left the bathroom going into Vince's room to get my work clothes ready.

Once I finish getting ready, I leave the room, but I hear the phone ringing. "Vince!" I say, calling out to him,"your phone is ringing!" I say, walking into the kitchen and seeing him cooking. He sighs and looks over at me. "I'll be right back. Just wait."

He says, leaving to his room. Recently, Vince has been getting a lot of calls, but I try not to question it. I mean, it could be about his business or family.. right?

Vincent's POV:

Once I leave the kitchen, I head towards my room, wondering who could even be calling at this hour it's around 7 in the morning after all.

I shut the door behind me as I walk into my room, making my way over to the phone. I pick it up, sitting down on my bed.

"Hello?" I say while looking out the window. "Hello Vincent.." Mrs. Vacher says, sounding upset. "Why have you called so suddenly?" Why is she always calling me so early.

"The police discovered that the body wasn't hers.." she says, getting emotional, which just made me annoyed. It's been around a month or two since Mannon died. We'll since I killed her.

She needs to get over it already. "Really?" I say, trying to sound surprised, but I really wasn't interested in talking about Mannon.

"Yes, really!" She says somewhat, shouting at me, which caught me off gaured. "..I'm sorry, I'm just a little on edge.. it's not easy losing your only child, and just when you think she was found.." she says, her voice trailing off at the end.

"It's ok, Mrs. Vacher, I completely understand." I say sighing .Thank you for understanding, Vincent.. I just.. I dont know how to handle myself alone." She says, sobbing again.

After a while of talking, we agree to see each other on the weekend, which is also when I have to visit my mother. I guess I could bring her along with me?

I just can't bring Rody he lacks certain manners. And I don't know if he knows Mannon's mom yet.

I stand up, walking out of my room and going over to the kitchen. I see Rody over at the stove, I walk over to him, looking over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

He was finishing the food I was cooking earlier, but it looks burnt.. I won't say anything, though.

"It's alright. I'll finish cooking." I say, trying to get him to rethink his choices of cooking and let me do it before he burns my whole kitchen down.

"No, it's alright, Vince. I got it!" He says, smiling and continuing to cook. "Alright.." If I could, I would tell him he sucks at cooking and to move so I could do it, but I love him too much to do that.

After he finished cooking the Éclair's (Search it up), he put them on a plate and set the plate on the table

He sits down, and I do the same. I take the first bite, and he looks at me happily. "So how is it?" Did he forget I can't taste or his he just stupid. "It's.. ok, I say, not wanting to make him feel bad

"Alright, I'll try some then!" He says, taking a bite but immediately having a sour look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I say laughing a bit. He quickly gets up and hunches over my trash can, spitting out the food. "That was disgusting!" He says whining, which just makes me laugh more.

"I'll cook you somthing later on."

Word count: 752

(IM SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO POST IVE JS BEEN BUSY AND SICK. Also, my elevator hitch fanfic will be coming out today❤️)

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