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✿︎ 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐘'𝐒 𝐒𝐈𝐗𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 and everyone was sat in the kitchen, waiting for Belly to come downstairs. The three Fisher siblings sat at the island while Susannah set up the table behind them, and Laurel fussed over Belly's micky mouse pancakes, which Steven was helping with. "Golden brown and crisp. That's how it's supposed to look." Steven told his mom. "How's it going over there?" Laurel asked Susannah. "Morning, everyone." Belly said as she entered the room.

"Happy birthday." the group said at the same time. "Hey!" Belly grinned, walking over to Susannah, who brought her into a hug. "There's the birthday girl, looking like a vision in floral. Happy birthday." She exclaimed. Susannah continued what she was doing as Jeremiah went over. "Happy sweet sixteen Bels." he said, hugging her.

"Wow, Belly Button's getting old finally. Happy birthday." Steven joked, taking a bite of some bacon. "Happy birthday, Bels." Amelia smiled, hugging the girl. "Thanks, everyone." Belly giggled as Amelia pulled away. "Happy Birthday, sweetheart." Laurel said, hugging her daughter. "Thanks, mom."

"Your micky mouse pancakes are ready." Laurel told her. "Actually, I'm not really, uh, hungry." Belly informed her mom. "Oh." Laurel said, slightly disappointed. "Shall we open gifts?" Susannah asked. "Ooh! You're gonna love mine." Jere said.

The group gathered around on the couch to watch Belly open her presents. She bevan opening Laurel's first, she tore the wrapping paper off to reveal a book of poems. "It's a first edition. I got it from a rare book dealer." Laurel told her. "Thanks, mom." Belly said, looking down at the book. "Turn to the bookmarked page." Her mom instructed. Belly opened the book and turned to the page. "It's your favourite." Laurel said to Susannah.

"Oh yeah! I remember Susannah teaching us to recite this. For whatever we lose," Belly said. "Like a you or a me, it's always ourselves we find in the sea." Everyone said alongside Belly. "Thank you. I love it." Belly grinned. "You're welcome."

"Okay. Open mine now, Belly." Susannah told her, handing her a small white box. Belly lightly shook the box before opening it, revealing a beautiful set of pearls. "Oh, wow, they're gorgeous, thank you, Susannah." Belly said. Susannah walked over and sat beside Belly and took the pearl necklace out of the box. "My mom gave me these pearls for my sweet sixteen." Susannah told her, helping Belly put them on. Amelia bit the inside of her cheek. "Radiant, isn't she?" Susannah said to Laurel.

"They look great on you, sweetheart." Laurel complemented. "Oh, I'm next." Jere said, handing Belly a wrapped box. "Here." he said. "Thank you." Belly laughed, she began tearing the wrapping paper off, revealing a dark green box. Belly took the lid off, and inside was a small bracelet charm. "It's a good luck charm. To help you pass your driving test." Jere told her as she put on her bracelet. "Perfect." Belly smiled, shaking her bracelet. "Think fast, Belly." Steven called as he threw his present at the girl. "What?" the girl asked in surprise.

"Steven." Laurel scolded as Belly opened the present and pulled a grey top out. She unfolded it, and it had Princeton written on the front. "Wow, Steven, I can't believe you actually spent money on me." Belly said, shocked, holding the shirt against her dress. "Relax, I just didn't want you stealing mine next year when I get in." Steven told her. "Optimistic much?" Amelia said, earning an eyeroll from Steven. "I didn't know you were still considering Princeton." Laurel turned to her son.

"Well, you know, I think I'm gonna apply for some scholarships, and Dad thinks I can get some financial aid. I don't know, I'll see if I can get in." Steven told her. "Okay... uhm-" Laurel began. "Amelia is thinking of applying to Princeton." Susannah said, Steven and Laurel turned to the girl. "Well, I was. I don't know, it's a good school. I'm applying to other Ivys and Stanford as well." Amelia told them. "Anyway, uh, here, Belly. Open mine next." The blonde girl handed her a present. "Thank you." She smiled.

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ā° Last updated: Jun 09 ā°

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