Chapter Sixteen

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( Terribly Desirable )    ✝︎     ───      16.
18 Miles Out.

MELODY GENTLY brushes Beth's hair out of her face as she sat down next to her, sending her a small smile. Beth didn't smile back, her eyes had a far away look in them. Lori had just gave Beth some food, trying to get her to eat but she was refusing. Melody sighs softly, her heart aching at the tears filling Beth's eyes.

She gently wraps her arms around her, letting the younger girl cry into her arms as she strokes her hair. Beth's shoulders shake as she cries, her hands tight around Melody's arms. Melody looked up when Lori walked in, not listening into their conversation to give them privacy.

Melody followed after Lori when she left, pressing a soft kiss to Beth's head before she got up. She sent Lori a small smile when she walked into the kitchen, leaning against the counter, her hands sliding into her back pockets as she bit her lip, working up the courage to say something.

The guilt was eating away at her, the fact that Melody had to pretend like her husband hadn't been inside of her (twice) and that everything was fine, it was draining her. She knew Lori would be pissed and betrayed if she ever found out. Rick was almost twice her age and the bond Melody had built with Carl would be ruined if he ever found out.

Before Melody could say anything, Lori walked back into Beth's room, coming out with the knife Beth had stolen from the tray. Melody widened her eyes, rushing into Beth's room to comfort her while Lori rushed out to find Maggie and Hershel.

Beth leaned into her touch once again, her head resting on her shoulder as Melody strokes her hair. She didn't know how many minutes had went past before Maggie rushed into the room, letting out a sigh of relief when she seen Beth wasn't hurt.

Melody got up to give them privacy, closing the door behind her before she looked around for Leona, deciding to take her out. She wanted to clear her head, maybe kill a few walkers while she done so.

While Melody was in her tent grabbing her things, Carl opened the tent flap, stepping inside and staring at her with a questioning look. "Where are you going?"

"Going to clear my head," She replied, putting the strap of her crossbow over her head. "You coming?" She asked as she hands him a bottle of water. Carl nods his head, following after her as she got out of her tent.

She didn't say anything to Andrea who was watching them from the top of Dale's RV, only sending her a glare. She was still pissed that she shot her dad.

Leona ran in front of Carl and Melody, eager to get out and run around. Melody sends Carl a smile when he looked up at her, ruffling his hair as they walked through the woods. She kept an eye out for walkers, one hand ready to bring her crossbow forward and the other reaching for Carl's hand.

Melody stopped suddenly when she heard the sound of branches snapping ahead of them, grabbing Leona and handing her to Carl before pushing him behind her as she aims her crossbow towards the noise, glancing behind her to make sure Carl and Leona were safe.

"There you are," Melody hummed when she seen the walker come towards them, sending Carl a wink as she aims the crossbow at the walker's head before pulling the trigger, high-fiving Carl when the walker dropped to the ground with an arrow sticking out of its eye.

They slowly walked over to the walker, Melody putting her foot on top of its chest while she pulls the arrow out, wiping the blood onto the walker's shirt.

     WHEN MELODY found out that Beth had hurt herself after talking to Andrea, she immediately went after Andrea. The older woman's face was bleeding, her lip split open, nose burst, hair tussled (a clump of her hair laid on the ground) and her eye incredibly sore. Melody didn't look any better. Dale had to pull them away from each other, sending Andrea back into the RV and Melody to her tent.

Daryl shook his head when he saw Melody's face, throwing the damp cloth at her as he sat down on his bed. He was both proud and disappointed that she got into a fight, he knew that if Dale didn't interfere, Andrea would be looking much worse than she already did.

Leona was sleeping on Daryl's bed, curled up by his pillow as Daryl reached over to brush the dog's fur while he watched his daughter clean her face. He didn't want his daughter to get his anger, he wanted her to get her mother's sweet personality, he wanted her to be safe, he didn't want her to constantly be looking over her shoulder, he didn't want this life for her.

Melody ignored the look her father gave her, a wince escaping her burst lips as the cloth brushed against them, her nails digging into her palm to take her mind off the fact that her lips were throbbing in pain.

"You're an idiot," Daryl spoke up, laying down on his bed as he gently picked Leona up and rested her on his chest. "You could've gotten seriously hurt."

"Beth tried to kill herself because of that stupid bitch," Melody scoffed, discarding the bloody cloth to the side. "Someone needed to put her in her place, she thinks she's hot shit. At least her face is decent enough to look at now."

Daryl felt a smile growing on his face at her words, trying to keep it from showing, shaking his head at her. He was supposed to be scolding her. "You're lucky I can't ground you," He sighed, looking over at her as she moves to lay down on her bed.

"Even if you could, you wouldn't be able to," Melody rolled her eyes. "I'm legally an adult, you can't control me."

"I'm your dad," Daryl says, sending her an annoyed look. "If I told you that you're grounded, it would mean you're grounded."

"Sure," Melody hummed sarcastically as she pulled the scratchy blanket up to her shoulders. "Whatever you say, Dad."

sorry for making you
wait just to get this
chapter, i didn't know
what i wanted to do for
this episode and i didn't
want to skip it.

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