Chapter 7: The Mornings After

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Walking fast in heels without making any sounds was one of the abilities Minjeong had. She was late to her class today, hence why she was walking as fast as she could. It wasn't that she overslept. It wasn't that she was kept all night by a certain someone. It wasn't that she was exhausted to the point that she missed her alarm.

It wasn't.

In fact, the night she had was.. unsatisfying.

So Hee was nice, she was good. She tried for a very long time to engage with her, but Minjeong's head wasn't there. She was pretty sure that So Hee's wasn't either. She had to fake yet another orgasm to stop So Hee because it had gotten awkward by that point, and the way So Hee told her to just go to sleep without returning the favor, told her that So Hee knew it wasn't real. She left the woman's hotel room after she was sure that So Hee wasn't pretending to be asleep anymore.

Then at home, another sleepless night accompanied her again.

She wasn't thinking about So Hee. At first, she was. Then her mind compared the night she had with the one full of excitement with none other than her student instead. How exciting it was, how heartracing it was, how she thought that it was how sex supposed to be.

Was it sex? She wondered. Jimin had called it by another name, but Minjeong had been refusing to remember. She pretended she never heard it coming from the blonde's mouth.

Yedam was standing in front of her class when she finally arrived. He didn't seem upset nor shocked, he was just looking at her, like the students inside sitting quietly, then he smiled. She turned to face her students and offered them a tiny smile, avoiding a certain blonde who she was sure was glaring at her. Minjeong let out a breath from the exhaustion before speaking up. "Good morning, everyone." She quickly walked over to Yedam. "I apologize for being late." She smiled apologetically at Yedam. "I'm really sorry." She whispered.

He shook his head with a reassuring smile. "It's fine, it happens sometimes, but please don't make it a habit." He whispered back, and she nodded, Yedam was kind enough to cover for her despite his tight schedule. "You okay?" She nodded quickly as they switched positions. "You look a little pale."

"I'm fine, just having trouble sleeping." She opened her materials for the day but Yedam was still standing there, watching her carefully.

"Did you have breakfast?" He whispered again.

"I don't usually eat breakfast." The man sighed, she looked at his worried face and shook her head with a smile. She didn't want to let her student watch them talking, it seemed unprofessional. "I'll get a bite after this class." She offered.

He didn't take it right away. He stayed still, then after noticing that the students started whispering about them, he said his goodbye and left.

She started her class after apologizing once again. Everyone didn't seem to mind, the students treated her as usual, still being careful not to offend her. She was focused, delivering the class as smooth as usual. But her mind was occupied with something else.

The night she spent, the one she shared with someone else, her eyes couldn't resist. Once in a while they would drift to the blonde sitting quietly on the side, sometimes she talked to Ryujin, as usual, they were always sitting next to each other. Minjeong was crazy, she thought. When she started wondering if Ryujin was the So Hee to Jimin, she thought she had gone insane.

She didn't notice the bell rang. She watched her students gathering their things in confusion and blinked her eyes quickly when her mind couldn't come up with a single memory of why they were leaving the class. "Young Chan." She called out to the student who was always sitting in the front as he stood up and was going to follow his friends out the door. He looked back and walked up to her as she smiled at him. "Where are you going? Don't you have English class here after this?"

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