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/Hornet POV/

I weaved through the skeletal trunks, moonlight dappling my wings. My pursuers, a cacophony of shouts and snapping twigs, were close. The woods, once a haven, had become a labyrinth, the towering trees now monstrous sentries threatening to box me in.

A net whooshed past, snagging a twig and ripping with a tearing sound. A voice, sharp and clipped, echoed – "There! Team, cut him off!"

I banked sharply on tree, my eyes scanning for escape.  Behind me, the pounding of heavy boots thudded a relentless rhythm against the damp earth. Sadly, the woods were open spaced with trees spread out.

Making it easy for the metal trucks to catch up with me. "We got you now bug!" One of the drivers said. I see one of the humans in protective gear try to tase me. The worse part was I wasn't just being chased by the bumbling humans in their metal trucks.

The beeps and whirls of a machine I heard belonged to Dr. Mayfield, the scientist with the endless string of questions about my kind. '-Why do they have to test on me? Why not be friends? Oh wait, because I'm not a human, they have to test on me. That's fucking stupid-' I groaned in annoyance.

The sleek black suits and emotionless stares from the guards would send shivers down anyone spines. Usually I wouldn't fear them. I can take them out easily, but after just escaping the labs with my body state, I'm much to weak to do so.

A low branch lashed across my face, drawing a hiss from my throat. Tiredness gnawed at me. I couldn't keep this up forever. My powerful wings, designed for long journeys, strained against the frantic bursts of speed. The lab had made me fly up to fast speeds and how long I can, it varied but my wings were not in the best of conditions.

Suddenly, a clearing emerged before me. A murky lake, choked with lily pads, glinted in the moonlight. A desperate gamble, but it was my only chance. I fly over the water.

The metal trucks going around the lake, grass slowing them down a bit. On one side of me, I can hear the guards getting ready to shoot the sleeping darts. '-God I hate those. I end up all groggy and weak.-' "Don't let him near the city! We can't have him known to the world!" One the scientists said.

'-A city? If there's a city near by, then I have a chance of being free!-' I fly over water faster with every strength in my wings. Darts flying left and right for me to dodge.

Once I was close to shore, I stop flying, letting my wings take a break. I run and hop through the forest and fallen trees like a deer. Thankfully, the metal trucks can't get through here, the forest was too thick, but that doesn't stop the guards from the labs.

Thankfully, the guards are behind me far enough for to make an escape. I went under branches, and made sharp turns at trees. Breathing heavily with each fast step setting onto the ground. A guard jumped out when I made a turn.

It grabbed onto my antennae like they were reins. The human yanked on them, causing a stinging sensation throughout my head. I try shaking him off, lifting my head up so some branches can hit it.

One of the branches hit the human's hand, causing one hand to be on hold of me. It tried rotating my head to the right so I can turn around like I was a horse. I use my antennae to whip it's hand, it let go.

Jax x Male reader(more of an OC)Where stories live. Discover now