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Y/N squinted his E/C eyes open, met with the velvet red skies casted above him

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Y/N squinted his E/C eyes open, met with the velvet red skies casted above him. "Huh...?" He mumbled. Everything ached painfully, each limb, each joint, each muscle. Y/N was an absolute mess. Scrawled out, on the brick paths of the Pride Ring. "What... Happened?..." His blurred vision slowly came into focus as he adjusted to the sight of the crimson clouds above him. Y/N's breath fastened as he came into realization. This was not his home. This was not the green house he was just in. Last he remembered he was watering his flowers, taking care of them for his mother he loved dearly. Till it clicked.

Y/N had eaten the one flower he was told not to touch, but... being an adult, he figured, why not eat it. I mean, what's the worse that could happen? It was just for the shits and giggles with the slight pressure of his friends. But, death awaited him. And here it was, the pits of Hell.

He quickly sat up, before clinching his stomach in pain. He was sore and parched. He groaned under his breath, breathing slow and choppy exhales. Y/N looked at his surroundings, surely this was a dream, no?

His eyes were met with the antics of Hell. Large buildings, immediate explosions, shouting imps, and scattered around flames of fire. Y/N covered his mouth as his eyes widened, "oh my goodness..." he mumbled under his palm. Before his vision was blocked by a pale hand reaching out for him. "Ahh! o.m.g..! Are you okay?.." The feminine and slightly chirpy voice asked. Y/N looked up to see the concerned face of a blonde demon. He hesitantly reached for her hand, tightening his muscles as he stood on his feet. "You must be new!.. are you okay?.." she asked with a slight tone of franticness. Y/N slowly blinked, unsure of how to react.

This was all so new. The red skies, the demons, the hellhound, it was amazing. Though, of course, overwhelming. "Where— am I—?" Y/N squinted his eyes, trying to get used to the warm color scheme. The girl quickly held both of her hands on his, "Ah! You're uh... in Hell!—. But! But... don't worry! It's.. great!" She stuttered slightly, as Y/N slowly nodded along. "Hell?! No... no! I'm meant to be in Heaven—?" Y/N started to slightly panic. This did not feel like a dream.

"I know, I know... a lot of people do, haha... But! There's always a chance for redemption! If you want, you can come stay at my hotel!" The girl offered, as her mood brightened. Y/N tilted his head, Hotel? "Oh! Right! I'm Charlie!" She shook his hand quickly, up and down repetitively. Y/N recuperated, "I'm..." he paused. "Y/N." He finished, growing a smile on Charlie's face. "Welcome to Hell, Y/N! I'm sure you'll love it!" Her grin shined bright, showing a pair of two spiked teeth. "The hotel isn't far from here... want me to take you?" She asked, her once concerned voice softened. Y/N hesitatingly nodded. "Great! I'm sure you'll love it! The people are super, super, superrr! Nice!" Charlie quickly grabbed onto his wrist, hastily dragging him.

As Y/N tried keeping up with her fast steps, he took in the situation. He was in Hell. There was no denying it. No denying the physical pain he felt, the way he could feel the demon girl's flesh. It was all real. Y/N realized something bonking against his calf's as he walked. He turned his head to be met with a blue imp like tail attached to him. His eyes widened, "wait, wait, wait!.." Y/N stopped in his steps. "Hm?" Charlie tilted her head. Y/N pointed to the obvious tail hanging from the back of him, "What-?! What is this?!" He frantically asked. "Oh!— haha... I guess you don't know.! You're not uh.. exactly a human! But you're an imp!— maybe?" She doubtfully stood on her tip toes. "Well... are you an imp?" Charlie peered over the top of his head. "Your horns have blue flowers on them! That's so pretty!~" she squealed. Y/N's breath stopped. "Blue flowers?" He asked with a tone of surprise. Charlie nodded swiftly. "Yep! You can look in a mirror once we get to the hotel! I think you look amazing!" She complimented Y/N with a happy tone. "Ahh... thanks." Y/N followed along Charlie's sudden steps.

"Horns?... and a tail..." he thought to himself, "blue flowers... like the one I ate?" Y/N's thoughts paced, everything had been going so quickly. It was a lot to take in, considering how easily he had panic attacks, he figured he should take it slower.

As Y/N stared around the Hell exterior, he quickly stumbled over his feet at the sudden stop. "Ah! Sorry, Y/N!!..! But... we're here!" Charlie opened her arms, showing the large hotel.

The Hazbin Hotel.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𖦹 MALE Y/N X HELLUVA/HAZBINWhere stories live. Discover now