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Y/N honestly felt like he was on the verge of passing out

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Y/N honestly felt like he was on the verge of passing out. He was frozen, staring at the residents scattered around the hotel lobby. A Radio host Showman, who was the Hotelier. A Spider-like porn star stretched across on the velvet couches. A stern woman with a spear, which was alarming to say the least. And an alcohol chugging cat-like bartender. Then, of course, gleaming Charlie right next to him. "They aren't all of the residents! uh... they're just out and about, heh!" Charlie wavered her hand in the air. Y/N slowly nodded, trying to take in everything. "Hun, are you sure about this?.." Vaggie asked, gripping onto her spear slightly tighter. "He's obviously not an imp..." she spoke barely above a whisper. Charlie exhaled, "Yes, Vaggie! I think it'll be great! Y/N is new to Hell so it's a good opportunity!" She smiled greatly. Vaggie glared at Y/N, "So, your name is Y/N?" She asked coldly. Y/N nervously nodded, "Uhh...- yes." He replied.

Vaggie sighed, "welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, Y/N.." she awkwardly greeted him. Y/N timidly chuckled, before quickly being grabbed from behind. His shoulders gripped on by a pair of hands. "Why, hello there, my friend!" Y/N swiftly turned his head up to see the figure only slightly taller than him. The anxiety inside him only building up more. "Uhhhh..." Y/N dizzily stuttered. "Aren't you quite irregular!" Alastor's toothy grin tightened. Y/N stared up at his crimson eyes, red on red.

Y/N's eyes focused onto Alastor's. Unfocused on whatever he had just said. "I'm Alastor! The Hotelier of this shabby hotel!" The Overlord spun on his heels, landing with his microphone-cane in hand. "It is quite the pleasure~." He held out his lengthy hand, as he lidded his eyes. Y/N slowly blinked before shaking his head back to reality, "I'm Y/N.." He shook the demon's hand. Alastor quickly let go and dusted his hand off on his red pinstriped suit. Y/N's thoughts quickly raced around how muffled the Overlord's voice was, like he was speaking through an old timey radio.

"Aren't you the looker?~" an Italian ringing voice purred. Y/N's attention quickly shifted to the tall Spider demon, Angel Dust. "Oh! Uh—" Y/N blinked. Angel Dust stretched his two bottom arms down his long legs, "If ya' lookin' for a night of fun, lemme know~." Angel seductively arched his back, before a low growl exited the lips of the bartender. Paired with rolling his eyes. "Ignore him." The cat-like demon spoke, his voice deep and slightly raspy.

Y/N was quickly overwhelmed by the thought of having to socialize with so many other demons. Seeing as how he had just arrived to Hell, he wasn't exactly wanting to talk it up with anyone quite yet. "haha... Well! We have a few empty rooms since we've expanded the hotel. If you want I can show you them, and you can choose which one you want!" Charlie offered, trying to calm him slightly. Y/N faced the princess, "okay, that would be nice.." He awkwardly etched a smile. "Great! Follow me!" She clasped her hands together happily, skipping up to the elevator which hid tucked between the two sets of stairs. Y/N stared at the modern interior of the Hazbin Hotel, it was neatly put together and cleaned of bugs.

The two stepped into the elevator, closing the doors, sealing the two inside. "Sooo! Y/N, what are some things about you?" Charlie hummed. Y/N slightly flinched. "Oh! Uh— haha... I really like gardens... and flowers." He hesitantly spoke, "Ooo~! How fun! Well I~ loveee my friends! And my girlfriend, Vaggie!" She smiled warmly. "And I'm very passionate about redemption! Hence, the hotel, haha.." her voice trailed off. Y/N slowly nodded along. "How about you? Any loved ones?" Charlie asked. Y/N paused. "Well, I don't know if they're in Hell..." he shrugged. Charlie awkwardly chuckled. "Right! That makes sense... I know it's a pretty touchy topic.." The princess' smile softened.

The elevator quickly dinged before the doors slowly slid open. "Anyway!..." Charlie laced her hands behind her back as she started walked down the carpeted hallway. "We have this room! Which is closest to the elevator, than this one—" and so on. The princess guided Y/N down the lightly dimmed hallway, till finally coming to a stop. "So?" She smiled, staring at Y/N. Y/N tilted his horned head, "Oh! Uh, the first one is fine." He softly grinned. Charlie lit up, "Aaa! Great! Feel free to decorate it however you want!" The girl quickly scrambled through a chain of keys before unclipping on. "Here! Hopefully you'll settle in comfortably!" Charlie handed Y/N the key.

Y/N stood in the middle of his empty room. A cool breeze from the AC brushing through his H/C hair. The room wasn't bad at all. In fact was better than he had expected. There was a full sized bed, a wardrobe, a mirror, and a connected bathroom. A warm smile flushed his face. Grateful to receive a heavenly blessing such as the free hotel room in the nasty location of Hell.

He walked towards the mirror, met with the shocking appearance he wore. Two twisted striped horns, black and deep blue. With flowers sprouted at the bottom of them, slowly fading out towards the top. Along with the long blue imp like tail hanging from his back. Y/N was relieved to know he wore the same casual outfit he passed in. An oversized white T-shirt which complimented his physique, paired with a pair of baggy jeans. But, covered in vines and blue flowers, trailing up his body. He seriously needed to get styled.

His S/C skin looked the same. Though, his face did not. The color of his E/C eyes were the same, but his lips were completely black. And a thick black line around his neck. Y/N's mouth dropped slightly, only to be met with two spiked teeth on his top row, along with his regular ones.

Shit, was it going to take some getting used to.

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𖦹 MALE Y/N X HELLUVA/HAZBINWhere stories live. Discover now