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Golden hues of yellow and red glimmered through the slightly transparent red curtains

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Golden hues of yellow and red glimmered through the slightly transparent red curtains. Shining over Y/N's face. He widely yawned, tiredly peeking his eyes open he was met with the grey-ish ceiling above him. "Ahh.." Y/N sat up, slowly gazing at his surroundings. "Ack.. That's right. I'm in Hell." He sighed disappointedly. Though, quickly snapped out of thought by the sudden sound of knocking from his door. Y/N quickly jolted, paired with a slight gasp. He stood up off of his bed to open his door.

Opening the oak door he was met with the looming figure of Alastor. His hands laced behind his back, settled on his cane. "Hello, my botanical friend!" He greeted Y/N, a wide grin plastered on his face. Y/N looked at him blankly, "Hi, Alastor." He spoke, barely above a murmur. "Hm, are you enjoying your stay~?" He asked, muffled by the static. Y/N nodded, "Perfect! Quite the bland room, no~?" The Radio Demon pushed himself past Y/N, making his way into his room. Y/N's eyes scattered, a confused expression on his face. "Doesn't quite suit your description! I suppose it could use some decoration~?" He hummed. Y/N shrugged in response, "I think it's okay." He replied. Alastor cocked his head to the side. "I deem it fits your bland personality! Hm~? Well! Charlie is waiting for you, so come downstairs, friend~!" The demon remarked.

Y/N's face slightly twisted at the small insult. "Okay." He exhaled. "Oh! There is at least one thing I have for you, dearest Y/N!" Alastor's grin tightened. Y/N raised his eyebrows, "a more suitable outfit!" The overlord snapped his fingers, with that Y/N's clothing appearance quickly changed.

He looked into the mirror in awe. A dark blue vest topped over a white dress shirt, hiding his arms. With a lighter blue tie to add contrast. And black dress pants, only slightly big enough to be a little airy at the bottom.

Before he was quickly sealed by vines growing across his body once more, blue flowers blooming scattered over them. Y/N sighed at the sight of flowers. "Thank you, Alastor." He showed his appreciation. "Why, of course~!" The deer like demon squinted his eyes. Y/N turned around to only be stunned.

Met with the cool breeze against his back. The vest sewed into an X across behind him, revealing the way his spine slowly faded into his tail just above his pants. The way it dimmed gently into blue. "I presume we should get a move on, friend, no need to keep the others waiting!" Alastor's smile stayed sturdy. "uhh..." Y/N hesitated, swaying his tail left to right. "Okay, then." He concluded.

"Y/N!" Charlie quickly cut herself off with a gasp at the sight of Y/N's new apparel. "You look amazing! Alastor, you did a great job!" The princess complimented the two. "Hm, well it is not I who designed it. It was Niffty!" He chummed. Y/N's face quickly contorted when noticed the little demon woman running around with a knife, chasing after any bug that dared step on the perimeter. "Oh! That's right you haven't met Niffty!" Charlie quickly gleamed. The little cyclops demon ran up to the group. Quickly tranced at the thought of a man, she jumped onto Y/N's shoulders. "Ooooh~ hehehehe!" She laughed, staring up and down the sinner. "Uhh... Hi!." Y/N awkwardly looked at Niffty's singular huge eye.

Her eye quickly shifted to the sight of a roach, causing her to swiftly jump down and start her hunt. "Haa... Anyway!" Charlie quickly grabbed Y/N's attention. "There are some other people I'd like you to meet!" She clasped her hands together. Then reached her fingers out, waiting for Y/N to grab them, and which he did.

The two walked to the middle of the lobby, met with two new faces. One of which only had one eye, and peachy like hair, the other a blond demon with spiked teeth. "This is Cherri and dad!" She excitedly said. Y/N waved his hand, "Ah shit! Ya didn't say he was an overlord!" The one eyed cyclops chuckled in an Australian accent. Y/N curiously tilted his head, "oh! Well... uh, I dunno what he is!..?" Charlie timidly replied. Lucifer hummed, "hmm... he doesn't look like an imp?" The short king said, raising his finger to his lip. "Ah, well! I'm Lucifer!" The blond awkwardly said. "Hi, Luci—?! Wait..? Like the fallen angel, Lucifer?" Y/N stupidly wondered. "Uh-yup! The king of Hell!" The angel timidly shot Y/N two finger guns.

"So that means— you're the princess of Hell—?" Y/N's eyes widened, looking at Charlie. "Aaahh... yeah!" She chuckled, in response. Y/N sloppily bowed in front of the two. "A- Y/N, there's no need for that, haha.." Charlie nervously pushed him up by his shoulders. A slight flushness of embarrassment drowned through him.

"Anyway, I'll let y'all talk! Vaggie and I are going out to eat," Charlie smiled, waving, and walking away. Y/N awkwardly stood uncomfortably by one of the velvet plush couches. "Sit down, Y/N, haha.." Lucifer nervously chuckled, his tragic social skills letting him down over and over.

Y/N slowly sat down on the couch, next to Lucifer and across from Cherri. Scrunched up to himself. "Relax! No one here gives a damn." Cherri retorted, with a silliness behind her voice. "Right.." Y/N attempted to loosen his muscles. "Soo, Y/N..! How are you liking the hotel?" The king asked. Y/N's eyes flickered towards the angel beside him. "It's nice, I'm glad I have a place to stay, and the people seem nice.." Y/N nodded.

Lucifer's smile softened. "I'm glad you're liking it, uh, we should do something sometime— maybe to get to know the members better." He offered. Y/N slightly raised his head, his eyebrows tented up, "I'd love to." The sinner replied. "Great! I'll uh, see when we can!" The king softly smiled, gently placing his pale hand on the flower themed demon's knee.

 "Great! I'll uh, see when we can!" The king softly smiled, gently placing his pale hand on the flower themed demon's knee

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𖦹 MALE Y/N X HELLUVA/HAZBINWhere stories live. Discover now